If this has already been answered, I couldn't find it. Has anyone yet connected their mini vci and techstream to their Prime? I did that the other day to change the reverse noise to one beep. When it wanted me to choose the vehicle, nothing on the list was newer than 2015. I still got it done, but I imagine that continuing to use it might cause problems. Or at least fail to access all the codes and settings. Or, since I don't need it often, maybe Carista would fit the bill with less hassle.
This is the current list of Carista settings for my Prime. The following settings were available specifically to your vehicle using Carista: Doors / Windows / Remote Wireless door locking *ENABLED* / DISABLED Blink turn signals when locking/unlocking with remote *YES* / NO Beep when locking/unlocking with remote *YES* / NO Volume of beep when locking/unlocking with remote OFF / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / *5* / 6 / MAX Beep when opening/closing windows with remote *YES* / NO Allow locking when a door is still open *ON* / OFF Warn (beep) when door can't be locked because it's still open *YES* / NO Ding when key is left in the car *ENABLED* / DISABLED Ding when key is out of the car and ignition is on *YES* / NO Warn (beep) when a window is still open when locking doors *YES* / NO Warn (beep) when sunroof is still open when locking doors *YES* / NO Panic function on remote *ENABLED* / DISABLED Re-lock doors automatically if you unlock, but don't open a door *YES* / NO Re-lock doors automatically if you unlock, but don't open a door within… 30 SECONDS / *60 SECONDS* / 120 SECONDS Unlock doors via remote *DRIVER'S DOOR ON 1ST PRESS, ALL ON 2ND* / ALL DOORS ON 1ST PRESS Unlock doors via physical key *DRIVER'S DOOR ON 1ST PRESS, ALL ON 2ND* / ALL DOORS ON 1ST PRESS Unlock doors via smart key (door handle button) DRIVER'S DOOR ON 1ST PRESS, ALL ON 2ND / *ALL DOORS ON 1ST PRESS* Max number of consecutive lock/unlock cycles via touch sensor UNLIMITED / *2 TIMES* Auto-lock all doors DISABLED / WHEN SHIFTING INTO GEAR / *WHEN VEHICLE STARTS MOVING* Auto-unlock all doors DISABLED / *WHEN SHIFTING INTO PARK (P)* / WHEN DRIVER'S DOOR IS OPENED Touch-to-unlock-doors minimum duration OFF / SHORT / *MEDIUM* / LONG After locking with smart key, don't allow re-opening within… 0.5 SECONDS / 1.5 SECONDS / *2.5 SECONDS* / 5 SECONDS Smart key location to start car FRONT SEATS / *ANYWHERE IN VEHICLE* Open trunk via smart access button DISABLED / DOUBLE CLICK / *LONG PRESS* Open windows and sunroof by turning and holding key in door lock ON / *OFF* Close windows and sunroof by turning and holding key in door lock ON / *OFF* Open windows and sunroof via long-press on remote ON / *OFF* Open driver's window using single button press *YES* / NO Close driver's window using single button press *YES* / NO Open passenger's window using single button press *YES* / NO Close passenger's window using single button press *YES* / NO Open rear left window using single button press *YES* / NO Rear-left window single-touch-close *YES* / NO Open rear right window using single button press *YES* / NO Rear-right window single-touch-close *YES* / NO Passenger window single-touch-open from driver's switch *YES* / NO Passenger window single-touch-close from driver's switch *YES* / NO Rear-left window single-touch-open from driver's switch *YES* / NO Rear-left window single-touch-close from driver's switch *YES* / NO Rear-right window single-touch-open from driver's switch *YES* / NO Rear-right window single-touch-close from driver's switch *YES* / NO Instruments / Display / Dings Engine start indicator *ON* / OFF Display odometer after ignition is turned off for… *30 SECONDS* / 1 MINUTE / 10 MINUTES / OFF Reverse-gear beep *BEEP ONCE* / KEEP BEEPING WHILE IN REVERSE Seat belt warning ding (driver) *ENABLED* / DISABLED Seat belt warning ding (front passenger) *ENABLED* / DISABLED Seat belt warning ding (rear passengers) *ENABLED* / DISABLED Turn signal click volume LOW / *MEDIUM* / HIGH Lane-change turn signal auto-flasher count OFF / *3 FLASHES* / 4 FLASHES / 5 FLASHES / 6 FLASHES / 7 FLASHES Remote low battery warning *ON* / OFF Front parking sensor range NARROW / *WIDE* Rear parking sensor range NARROW / *WIDE* Mute parking sensor when stationary for more than 3 sec. YES / *NO* Lower parking sensor beep volume when stationary for more than 3 sec. *DON'T CHANGE VOLUME* / 1 / 2 / 3 Lower parking sensor beep volume when moving away from objects DON'T CHANGE VOLUME / *1* / 2 / 3 Parking sensor beep volume 1 / 2 / *3* / 4 / MAX Side parking sensor range SHORT / *LONG* Side parking sensor beep *YES* / NO Front side parking sensor range SHORT / *LONG* Rear corner parking sensor range SHORT / *LONG* Disable temporary muting of parking sensor above… AUTOMATIC / 15 KM/H / *20 KM/H* / 30 KM/H Display temporary parking sensor muting status *YES* / NO Activate parking sensors in neutral (N) YES / *NO* Vehicle Proximity Notification System beep volume *NORMAL* / HIGH / VERY HIGH Auto-turn off parking display when moving away from obstacles *YES* / NO "Master caution" light *ON* / OFF Lights Daytime running lights *ON* / OFF Coming-home lights duration OFF / *30 SECONDS* / 60 SECONDS / 90 SECONDS Auto headlights activation threshold DARKEST / DARKER / *NORMAL* / LIGHTER / LIGHTEST Instrument lights dimming sensitivity DARKEST / DARKER / *NORMAL* / LIGHTER / LIGHTEST Instrument lights restoring sensitivity DARKEST / DARKER / *NORMAL* / LIGHTER / LIGHTEST Dim interior lights after… 7 SECONDS / *15 SECONDS* / 30 SECONDS Turn on interior lights when you shut off engine *YES* / NO Turn on interior lights when you unlock doors *YES* / NO Turn on interior lights when smart key in range *YES* / NO Interior footlight (bright when doors open, dim when driving) *YES* / NO Turn on interior door-handle & center console lights dimly (flood lights) when ignition is on and shifter is not in park (P) *YES* / NO Interior light control *ENABLED* / DISABLED Heater & A/C Ambient temperature calibration -3°C / -2°C / -1°C / *NORMAL* / +1°C / +2°C / +3°C A/C ECO mode *ENABLED* / DISABLED A/C compressor noise reduction ENABLED / *DISABLED* S-Flow function *ENABLED* / DISABLED Open air flow to footwell when AUTO button pressed *YES* / NO Auto-increase blower speed when front defroster is on *YES* / NO Auto-turn on A/C when AUTO button pressed (if needed) *YES* / NO Open vents to outside air when ignition is turned off *YES* / NO Fan speed reaches its target… SLOWLY / *NORMALLY* / FAST Other Automatic wipers (using rain sensor) *YES* / NO Default distance for Pre-Collision System (PCS) alarm when the PCS switch is turned off and back on *FAR* / REMEMBER LAST DISTANCE Default distance for Pre-Collision System (PCS) alarm when the ignition is turned on with the PCS switch off *FAR* / REMEMBER LAST DISTANCE Default distance for Pre-Collision System (PCS) alarm when the ignition is turned on with the PCS switch on FAR / *REMEMBER LAST DISTANCE* Pre-Collision System (PCS) sensitivity: remember last state ENABLED / *DISABLED* Stop monitoring for car key signal after… 5.000000 Obtained with Carista 3.7.5 for iOS. Download app: Carista OBD2 on the App Store Facebook: Carista - الصفحة الرئيسية | فيسبوك iPad
What version of techstream? Mini vci cables typically come with an old pirated version. Carista is the best legal option.
Not sure without booting up the old laptop. It is pre-Prime, though. Thanks for such a complete listing, @schja01. I copied it into my notes for future reference. Still wondering who has used Techstream on a prime and what version.