Hello Everyone. I just bought my first prius, it's 2005 Toyota Prius (192000). A day after i bought the car (private sale from criagslist) the red triangle poped with check engine light. took it to a local mechanic he ran the code and told me the engine was misfiring and replaced the spark plugs and coil, changed the oil & filter ($265). the check engine light went away but red triangle stayed, I have a bluedriver OBD II scanner. I got multiple error codes like C2300, C2318, C1241, U0123, U0124, and B1421. I searched on this forum and read multiple threads stating it's usually due to the 12v batt. I ran the car batt diagnostics and it displayed 11.9v, so today i had the battery changed at pep boys. Got the bosch-premium-performance-battery-group-size-51 All the codes have disappeared except the B1421, granted i ran the code when it was dark(ish) outside. however there's still that red triangle on the dash board there. I am not sure what could be wrong. Any advise or guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you
just an update: I ran the scan again this morning the error is still present, is this error know to cause the red triangle?
IIRC, b1421 is the solar circuit. No big deal, every Gen 2 Prius I've ever connected to has had it. And NO, it does not cause the RTOD. I would say it's more likely your scanner isn't picking up hybrid codes.
My "go to" is a laptop with Toyota Techstream software. It never misses anything and provides enough data to investigate just about any problem. For fun and size convenience I have a Galaxy S3 android phone with Hybrid Assistant and Hybrid Reporter Apps. It provides basic information and has an HV Battery test function that uses the AC to load the battery. It's a convenient way to do a quick test on a battery and the Reporter app will graph all the info so you can see each block and how each trends against the others. Makes it very easy to see weak blocks. My OBD device is a "OBD Link LX", which was the one recommended by the App developer. It also comes with it's own app which has code reading/resetting functions included.
I am using Bluedriver OBD II Scan tool I am able to clear the codes temporarily, and when I scanned this morning the 1421 was replaced with B1400 instead. I can look into getting a techstream, I will report back if it reads some thing bluedriver was unable to.