After reading this article by CR, I would be very hesitant to place an order for a Tesla at this time. Eventually, when the company looks a little more stable and has stood the test of more time with all of their vehicles, I would consider one. I'm also waiting in the wings to see what other offerings come along, and how they fare. In any case, I wanted to share this article with anyone considering a Tesla product at this time. I'm also sure the usual members will quickly show up to fiercely defend Tesla, and probably accuse me of having an agenda against this brand. This would be completely untrue, and my only agenda is to reach a point where I can confidently hand over a large portion of my hard-earned money for what I believe is the best EV to own. I'm not there yet. As Tesla Unveils Model Y Crossover, Should Consumers Buy Into Drama-Filled Company?
Wait, are you prejudging others for pre-judging? Consumer Reports has become fickled over the years. Regarding Consumer Report-s One season they love a product, the next season they don't. This isn't the first product that Consumer Reports has damned, regardless of how many people hate or love it. Unusual though, that this article is a philosophical question, as opposed to CR's usual approach which is to review a product. Here's a review of their change in tactics; Most of them media now lives like a bunch of addicts spreading drama, titillating views that are seldom based in NFL actual matter. There's no review here to praise or damn Consumer Reports over, just the fact that they are writing opinion pieces now - about emotions. Drama they say. Are they reviewing potential drama? Who knows, that may simply mean they are suffering like most media outlets and are trying to drum up more customer loyalty. They lost our loyalty when fewer of their products aligned with what we found to be decent products. .
Unless I'm mistaken, I believe I've already previously been accused... Did you read the article, or just discount it?
Yes, but I wasn't drama-filled when I read the starting line "it's a crucial moment for Tesla" Woooo! drama! People are sick of hearing drama imo, whether it's a car maker or a politician. .
I still feel like Tesla's stability is still too shaky for me to hand over $50K-100K. This is how I feel, and believe others also feel about the company. Obviously many don't. I'm just sharing my opinion.
that's okay, don't worry, I doubt anyone will crucify you here. Please accept apologies for those devoid of Grace - unable to let someone have differing views. .
i didn't need a cr article to know that tesla, or any other new car company could go belly up. but heck, so could gm, chrysler and ford. no one else seems concerned
Not tossing bombs as much as sharing: If your car meets your needs, your requirements, be happy and I will be happy for you. Consumer Reports has faced challenges too: Three editorial changes since 2012 ... less bad but by no means perfect. There are three Consumer reports: (1) monthly subscription, (2) online for more, and (3) summary issues on the news stands. The only one I plan to buy are the news stand summaries. Their car MPG number requires a cold start with stomped accelerator and brake for about 2-3 miles. It does not correlate to EPA numbers that can be achieved with sensible driving. Coming to PriusChat and sharing facts and data, most are welcome. But become a pest or post inaccurate claims, well first I put you on my 'ignore user' list. Insult PriusChatters and we'll ask the moderators to apply a 'clue by four.' Bob Wilson
In a little over two weeks, we'll have the Tesla production numbers. In about six weeks, we'll have the Tesla Q1 2019 financials which Elon has reported it won't make a profit. Bob Wilson
I read the article in its entirety. The article was filled with drama, presumptions, and assumptions. A reader will get out of the article what they want to get out of it, including me. As far as people who post on the Tesla sub-forum, there are those who own a Tesla and relate their experience, both positive and negative, and they are often labeled as "fanboys." There are those who don't own a Tesla and post fear, uncertainty, and doubt about a car they have never driven or even sat in and they are often labeled as anti-Tesla. Some on this forum want to live in an echo chamber and put some people on "ignore" who think contrary to what they think. It is the the nature of on-line fora. Personally, on this forum, I don't have anyone on ignore. Contrary opinions are welcome to me but they will be challenged and debated. An undeniable fact is that Tesla is the most shorted stock in the market today. Investors that short the stock (bet that it will go down in value) make millions of dollars by promoting negative articles about Tesla in the "news" media. In fact they employ people to promote these negative articles on Internet fora (I don't think this is happening on Prius Chat, the Tesla sub-forum is too small to be important) but they are repeated on this forum which is the whole purpose of spreading "fake news" much like the Russians did in our 2016 Presidential elections. As far as CR is concerned, I cancelled my subscription several years ago, long before Tesla, when I found their reviews and recommendations were unreliable and inaccurate for products I purchased. I do take interest in CR's customer satisfaction surveys since they are relatively objective rather than often subjective like too many of CR's product and editorial "reviews." Tesla model 3 has the highest customer satisfaction rating of any car listed. Period. But, in the end, the only review that really matters to me, is MY review. My Tesla model 3 is the best - most fun, best handling car, best acceleration, problem free - I have ever owned which includes Prius, Honda, VW, Porsche, MBZ, Jaguar, Fiat, and several American brands. The fit and finish is equal to or better than any car I have ever owned. My car has been trouble free and has never been to a Service Center for any type of repair. It is the least expensive car to drive I have ever owned. And, it keeps getting better with regular over the air updates. I guess the only negatives I can find is that I wish it had "sissy handles" over the interior windows and a hatchback opening would make it more convenient than a trunk opening for the very few times I needed to carry a bunch of stuff in the back. And those are the reasons, both subjective and objective, for my rating, 99/100.
I get that you and others are very happy with your vehicles, and that means something. However, my concern is whether Tesla will "be there" when I would ever need them - to back their product. I don't want to wonder if service will be easily available (or at all) for me when something goes wrong (something usually does). I don't want to drive long distances or experience prolonged wait times to address any issues. The nearest service center is over an hour from me. What if I'm in an accident? Will I incur higher expenses as compared to other vehicles because of the way they are constructed? Unfortunately, whether I want one now or not, I'm inclined to wait until I'm more confident.
I talked with a S (75) owner today and he loves his. Charges at home off a 220 connection, works 50 miles away and has a supercharger 2 miles from work. Free supercharging. Has 50k miles. I asked him twice about service. He was suddenly quiet. It is different in small town America from CA. We have 2 sales offices in NC for example. 2 service centers. There are 2 in PA. How many has Toyota? Or even Kia? A reason for my hesitation too.
it is definitely a concern outside cali, and for people with only one car, or are stretching the budget to buy one. but none of this has anything to do with drama, imo. tesla will continue to sell profitable vehicles or they won't. they will either continue to improve service or they won't. they will drive down the cost of out of warranty repairs or they won't. it won't have anything to do with elons tweets, or anything else the company is doing or not doing. it has everything to do with the question, will bev's continue to grow at a rate that will support tesla financially? some of it will be out of their control, like gas prices and government policy. most of the article is nonsense, the rest, we already knew. it has been reported a million times, and will continue to be reported.
I am more concerned about Toyota to "be there" when I need them - to back their product with their reliance on ICE, a dying technology and therefore a dying company. I don't understand the purpose of your post other than to post your insecurities on the Internet for the whole world to see. Personally, I am more insecure about the damage to my health and well-being by ICE...and I hope the whole world sees this.
I changed my ratio to 40/60, KL gold mining to TSLA as I have a Model 3 purchase coming up. My plan is to get a minimum interest, maximum duration, $23k car loan. Then I'll sell enough stock to reduce the principle to a small number, ~$5 to 10k. Paying down the principle up front, the monthly car payment won't go down but the loan duration and cost will shrink dramatically: $362/mo -> $23k @4.25%, 72 months $367/mo -> $5k @4.25%, 14 months $363/mo -> $10k @4.25%, 29 months Bob Wilson
You could also go the HELOC route .... get the interest written off @ tax time, as well as the loan buy-down strategy. Back in the day - for our loan - we used our 401K funds to acquire the model X. That way - we happily paid 5% interest - to our self. $50K borrowed & paid back in 1yr ..... now those interest funds too - are growing tax free. .
I was able to get a 1.75% conventional auto loan last December for a maximum 36 month duration. I figure it accomplishes the same thing as paying down the principle. Since I primarily use my car for business purposes, most of the interest (small as it is) is tax deductible.
Your attack on Toyota means nothing to me. They've already gotten my money, and I'm fairly certain they'll be around long enough to service whatever remaining life there is in my Prius - before I sell it. Posting my insecurity about Tesla automobiles "for the whole world to see" is only to see what others have to say about what was stated in the article. I should have realized I would receive more in the way of defensiveness and even a bit of an attack. I have to wonder if your insecurities are showing - seeing how vehemently you defend this brand.