To the left of the speedometer, there is an area with a "Prius Prime" logo and some lines on my 2019 Advanced. This area is not lit up in my dashboard -- it is visible during the day in bright sunlight, but not visible in the dark. Is this logo area supposed to be lit up? Do I have a burnt out bulb somewhere or is it supposed to be not lit? Thanks, Robert
if its where i think your talking, right of the 2 displays, it's where all the idiot lights are. sit there and start it in ignition on or ready and you will see all of them turn on briefly.
Are you describing Area 1 in the graphic? If yes it displays the Prius graphic at startup and then changes to the speedometer.
I think you’re just referring to the blue lines of dash trim. If you look over to the right side of the dash you’ll see the same thing duplicated on that side. PS: congrats on a nice car... we love ours!
Left turn signal indicator, high beam indicator, and low fuel warning light to put labels on the picture @schja01 provided.
In the diagram I’m referring to area three on the far left side. The same blue lines are on the right side in area one as well, but the “Prius prime” words are in area three. Should those blue lines and the words prius prime be lit up at all? Or just be dim and not visible in the dark?
Same on my 2017 Premium on right and left sides. It's just part of the background and it does not light up.