Hi folks, just joined this forum. I drove a 2011 Prius and now upgraded to a 2018 Prius Prime. Picked it up in NJ (flew in and then drove it back which was a 12 hour road trip, but the price was worth it). I noticed some things I didn't care for: when driving with cruise control I was just going the speed limit and so was passed quite often and to see the active cruise control radar info constantly popping up irritated me greatly and also seems a dangerous distraction, especially at night. is there any way to turn that off? While driving things like putting a sticker over that area popped in my head, but then I want to see the 'normal screen' info. Also: I have started to drive to work and the distance is a bit too long to do all-electric there and back. When not driving electric I want to see the mpg I am getting while driving on gas to keep checking my driving habits and what works best. However the trip shows electric and gas mpg combined, which to me is a worthless number. Much better would be to see the miles per kWh I am getting, and a separate number for MPG. is there any way to see how I am doing on the gas part without having to set a separate trip up when I hear the ICE starting up?
On the small 5 inch screen, you can view the trip info by 1 or 5 miles, with either fuel (mpg) or electric (ml/kW). It's the menu right below the HV monitor. Also, your can add the "split screen" to see you current mpg/ mpkW / battery level.
For current readings you can use a bluetooth OBD+ Torque app. Obviously, distracted driving disclaimer and all that.
Page 233-234 in my manual. Just use the right arrow on the right hand steering wheel button cluster to scroll over to "Settings." I looks like a gear. Then scroll down to "Meter Customize."
@GrandRapidsPrime Good to see another fellow Prime owner in Grand Rapids! Sadly I haven't found a way to disable the radar pop-ups, although you can dismiss them by pressing the back button on the steering wheel. It's still worthwhile to disable the radar tutorial pop-up like @jerrymildred said, but that doesn't achieve what you asked for. You can view your daily average miles/kWh on the eco-diary screen on the electric daily tab, but that's your entire day, not just your current trip. Unfortunately, the eco-diary Average MPG is combined gas and electric. See page 223 in your manual.
For current mpg or mpkwh, as suggested by some above, use split screen on the main display. It will show a bar with that information. No absolute number display but if your car switch between HV and EV, the bar will switch between mpg and mpkwh automatically.