Here is a couple of options I got quotes on - Option 1 is 18-24" hood, fenders, and mirror case - $350 Option 2 is option 1 + front bumper, head lights and fog lights - $850 The material is PROTEX with a life time warranty. Any comments? Is option 2 worth it for $500 extra? SM-N960W ?
Does the front bumper include the acrylic section? That would be the part I’m most worried about. Rocks from the sand used in the winter as leftover until they sweep the roads in June have the potential to crack that acrylic section. And based on the reports here, it’s particularly susceptible to cracks.
I think $350 for the protection package #1 is offering is a pretty good deal. Front Bumper protection is nice, but $500 more for basically just that addition plus "lights" doesn't really seem worth it to me. I think I'd deal with headlight and fog light damage/protection separately and on an "as needed" basis, and simply not worry about the front bumper. You can buy fog light protection and headlight protection separately and install it yourself.
Well it depends if you can live with a cracked bumper piece. If it can prevent or reduce the chance of chipping (and this cracking or spider-cracking) the acrylic piece, I’d do it. My Gen 3’s bumper looked like the surface of the moon from all the sand kicked up.
Thanks for the comments. I saw pics of bumper cracks and they are worrisome. Did anyone try DIY with 3M Scotchgard from Amazon? I am thinking, since the front bumper can be done piecemeal, it is doable. SM-N960W ?