My father hasn't drive the prius for over one month, and the red triangle of death and a bunch of other lights are on. So after my father change the battery cells for the Prius, all the lights were gone. However, the red triangle of death pops up for less than 3 secs and then gone. This happens about 3-5 times a day. According to my father, he said that this only happened when the car is going downhill the first few days. He said that it happened when the battery is overcharged. Today, when he drive the car for less than 10 feet, the red triangle of death pops up for a sec again. I used an OBD II scanner and there is no code. Is there any problem with the car and how should I fix it? Btw, any recommendation of OBD II scanner, because I borrowed my friend's scanner.
Your friends scanner may not be hybrid compatible, which is way you're not able to read the thrown DTCs. Most would recommend a mini-VCI cable and a copy of techstream. You could also get an OBD2 bluetooth adapter and a phone app.
Maybe engine oil is low I had same issue when approaching round about the light came on as the oil sways I guess like the other poster suggested