Hi all. Been lurking on here for years, and this forum has always contains threads that have help solved all my issues. But, I can't find one matching my current situation. Need to advice to avoid purchasing parts I don't need. 2006 Prius with close to 200K miles. All original AC components except for the condenser and evaporator (all replaced due to a leak a few years ago) and expansion valve. Compressor is the original. I no longer have cold AC, but worked fine last year. Temp during testing is about 75 degrees. Hooked up gauges, got about 90 PSI static on Hi and Lo. Not leaking, that's good. Turn on AC, i can hear the compressor making its very distinct noise - and nothing abnormal about it, Lo side goes down slightly, maybe 75ish, and high side goes up slightly 95ish. So I'm wondering if it's the expansion valve or broken compressor? What would be your guess given the symptoms? Given the age of the compressor (and being a Florida car) I would expect it to be dying in the near future but as you all know they are costly. I can hear it, sounds normal. Maybe the expansion valve is stuck open? Do these pressures indicate this?
Best advice I could give would be the repair manual; it has an extensive section on diagnosis and how to interpret your gauge readings and temperatures, specific to the details of the system in the car. Somebody who does the work all the time may chime in on this thread with more specific suggestions, but if it were my car I'd be working my way through the repair manual while waiting.
Well, took it to a shop to have the 134 pulled out and thinking they might be able to guide me a little. All I got was "Could be the expansion valve, which is buried in the dash, or the compressor which won't won't service due to the high voltage". I've changed out the evaporator before, and it was not a fun project and I'd hate to do it again. Looking at the old pics i had from the project looks like they are right about the expansion valve being buried and reminded me how much pulling the dash apart was a pain. So do i spend big bucks on a AC compressor or spend a ton of time replacing the inexpensive expansion valve? Or upset my wife and come home with a new car
I would get a new car. However if you want to keep the Prius then I would start by replacing the compressor just because it is easier to get to.
There are always creative options. For example, this guy didn't even have an HV battery available . . .
The more I look at this pic I took from a few years ago, the more I think you are right Patrick. Do I really want to tear apart the dash AGAIN?! And I can't believe I got all those wires connected to the right place - I think I do like the pic from ILuvMyPriusToo - I live in Florida and was thinking a generator and window shaker would be good to have around in case a hurricane comes.. All very good options. I'll sleep on it tonight.
Well, for those that thought it was the compressor - you were correct. I started to pull it apart. Took out the service plug and saw some metal stuck to it. After that I knew it was bad. Then curiosity set in, so i took off the back. You can see more shavings, and the spiral pretty eaten up. Makes sense, it could get some pressure as it wasn't totally destroyed, but broke enough to not get the full pressure. So now it looks like I need to order a new condenser (awesome, the one in it now was replaced exactly a year ago), flush, refill the nitrogen tank, and i really should replace the expansion valve, but don't want too. I'm still trying to talk myself into it. Good news is the AC will be good for another 100K miles at least if done right. I only want to get 2 years out of the car, but I'm sure some college student that buys it off me will appreciate it.
I pulled the plug to drain and measure the oil. Nothing came out.. I did replace the condenser, and evaporator about a year ago. I remember adding oil, but very little because I was afraid of adding too much. Having 200K miles on it being a florida car (AC is ALWAYS running) I think it pretty much hit its life span. All that combined gave me this result. Doh! I can't complain. The car has been good to me and most cars this old have leaking or dieing AC systems at this age. It's par for the course.
All AC components pulled out (except for the expansion valve and evaporator), and flushed. New condenser, and compressor filled with the right hybrid oil. Everything put back together, vacuumed out then filled with nitrogen and left overnight. No leaks! Time for another vacuum and put in the refrigerant. Fingers crossed it all works, and at least keeps working for another 2 years when I sell the car.