I am a new prius owner and have had a couple issues with my vehicle.. Tonight.. it is 4:30am.. I have been sitting up because my car alarm is going off continually for no reason. I don't even have the alarm engaged at this point.. the car is unlocked and sitting in my driveway, but the stupid alarm is going off every hour or so. Any thoughts.. I'm getting very sleepy!! Can't wait to hear from my neighbors in the morning. This first happened about a week into owning the car, and the dealer said they thought perhaps the emergency button was being pushed accidentally.. maybe the extra fob was sitting in a drawer and something was pressing the emergency button.. But right now, both keys are sitting alone on the counter.. so that theory is wrong. :blink: :blink: Also, a recent post of mine.. that the car battery was dead after leaving it in a parking lot for a week while I was away.. this may be what drained the battery down.. Anyway, wondering if anyone has any thoughts..
why is your car unlocked? verify the fob is not getting any accidental button pushes. if the problem continues, take to your dealer and have the fob frequency reprogramed.
I unlocked the car thinking that it would disarm the security system.. it didn't ... went off anyway.. about every hour or so for no known reason as far as I can see. As far as the key fobs.. I had them both on the counter once it went off the first time last night, thinking that might be the problem. About a week after purchasing the car the alarm did the same thing.. the dealer told me it was probably the key fob.. didn't happen again afterward, so I figured he was right. However.. I did leave the car in a parking lot (locked) for a week while I was on vacation.. when I returned the battery was dead and the car needed to be jumped. I called two dealers and they told me that the car will die after 5-6 days of non-use.. so this to them is normal.. of course it is a major inconvenience.. Anyway, my brother who owns two Prius (04 and 06) has left his car for up to 3 wks without turning off the SKS system and his started right up. He called Toyota USA and they said there was nothing wrong with my car. But.. when my car was jumped, the first thing it did when it started was run the alarm.. start honking.. so I think perhaps it alarmed itself into deadness while I was away. The attendants must be deaf!! Probably why the battery was dead.. The car is at a dealer now.. The dreaded intermittent problem.. Does anyone know how to disengage the alarm completely?? Thanks Nancy
You know, if they can find the problem, you might be able to talk them into replacing your battery - especially since you had it into the shop before for this same problem. I'd say you have a pretty good case.
Clearly you have accidently enabled the "hourly chime" function. Since it's a service to your neighbors, you should consider charging them for the notification that indeed another hour has passed. Seriously, that's just whacked! You elude to "every hour or so" and only at night. + Have you timed it precisely to establish a regular occurance interval? + Does this happen during the day while you're at work or even when it's parked at your house? + Do you have to go out and turn it off or does it cycle off on its own. That I can tell, you're doing well to troubleshoot the issue. It's just one of the strangest things I've read.
i still think its a rogue electronic signal in your neighborhood and that a frequency change might fix it
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Aug 25 2006, 11:49 AM) [snapback]309306[/snapback]</div> For a brief seconds I thought this was a real function that I didnk know about
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Aug 25 2006, 09:37 AM) [snapback]309331[/snapback]</div> How do you enable the hourly chime? Mine isn't working and my wristwatch battery is dead so that would be helpful until I can save enough gas money to go get a new watch. Since I have a Prius I don't have to save as long as I used to. And don't tell me I just need a new watch battery.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(egb6550 @ Aug 25 2006, 12:21 PM) [snapback]309361[/snapback]</div> It's in my copy of the manual - I have mine set to rotate between "Westminster", "Whittington", and "La Cucaracha". I tried "Mexican Hat Dance", but it gave the dog seizures...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(egb6550 @ Aug 25 2006, 12:21 PM) [snapback]309361[/snapback]</div> Oh.. I like the Mexican Hat Dance Chime.. I think I'll download it!! Seriously.. the thing happened at night on two occassions..plus the possible third at the parking lot (though who knows what time there).. Not exactly one hour intervals.. but very close.. 12:58am ET first, 2:02am second, 3:07...you get the idea.. until 7am.. then the car went to Toyota of Avon, CT.. I hope it has chimed hourly for them too. Haven't heard a peep (or beep) from them as of yet. No, it never happened in the daytime.. at least not when I was around.. I definately would have heard it if it was here.. Hmmm maybe someone's house alarm system??? Of course that wouldn't explain the occurence in the parking lot. Maybe the car gods are having fun with me.. this car replaced a gas guzzling problem ridden 2004 Nissan Quest minivan.. a car that while I was trying to sell had the passenger side sliding door get stuck and then fall on the ground. Fortunately I had duct tape with me and taped it onto the car.. drove it to the dealer and they simply asked me which door fell off!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(msnancy61 @ Aug 25 2006, 03:35 AM) [snapback]309228[/snapback]</div> My wifes Miata started doing this last week. We have owned it since 2002 and never had it hapen before. Turned out to be the battery was going bad. the alarm goes off when the voltage get down to about 9 volts. A new battery fixed the Problem. Maybe you have a weak 12 v battery or maybe something is draining it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(egb6550 @ Aug 25 2006, 01:21 PM) [snapback]309361[/snapback]</div> Don't you know that new watch batteries cost $10,000 to replace? Also, what is the cost of ownership for a watch? When will you earn your money back on the premium that you paid to have a watch? Sounds like a bad idea.... I'd never buy a new watch. My sundial is just fine.
The "something" draining it could potentially be if you leave the car on when you get out. It could happen. Make sure you establish a little ritual when you get out of the car so you don't forget in a rush some day: Park Brake, Park, Power. Do it the same every time and it iwll be easy to not leave your car on by accident. This will also help you avoid the rare but unfortunate scenario where your car rolls away and crashes itself. Could also be just a faulty battery tho!
Hmmm... Only happens at night - I bet it's scared of the dark! All joking aside, this is a really weird one. It'll be interesting to see what they come back with - the alarms going off because of a weak battery seems to make sense. We'll see!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Aug 25 2006, 04:10 PM) [snapback]309481[/snapback]</div> The dealer said that they found nothing wrong.. my neighbor is so pissed off at me because the thing went off all night long.. I refused to pick up the car at the dealer.. still have the loaner.. Toyota USA says that since they found no sign of a problem they wouldn't fix anything.. not even switch the cheapy 12v battery. Hoping that the car blows itself silly overnight in the garage and is dead in the morning.. otherwise I don't know what to do. A couple more nights like those two and I will have the police here. As far as turning it off.. I do have the ritual down.. definately turned off. One of the responses suggested (Miata) that the battery was low and caused the alarm/horn to sound. I turned it off each time so I didn't run the battery down.. was enough to start it in the morning and get it to the dealer.. trouble is that the ride charges the 12V up again so by the time I get there it looks fine.. What do you think??
Sounds like the dealerships service dept are stumped.The prius brings alot of new high tech for them to learn and understand.I work in electronics and new products always come with surprises.It takes time to find and learn about all the bugs that pop up.Try a different dealership!it may help.Ps Hello from another Ct prius owner!just got mine in late june.Ill see what kind of service i get in wallingford!If no good there,then ill try middletown. Hang in there! the problem will be solved. Stan
MsNancy, If you don't mind me asking, what do you do during the day? What is your job? Here's why: If the alarming starts at 1:00am, that's approximately 7 hours after I get home from work. If my battery had a slow drain that took 7 hours to get below 9 volts, that's when it would happen. Except that in my case, my car sits at work for 9 hours. However, if you move your car during the day as part of your job, then the act of running your car would charge the battery back to acceptable levels. Just a thought.
Make sure the dome lights, visor lights and hatch trunk lights are in their off or "door" positions--they may be draining power if on. Remove anything from within and around the car (in garage or room closest to parking area) which emits wireless signals, such as PDA, cell phone, laptop, wirless modem, pager. If parked next to another car, are any of those items in the other car? Is it parked under a light at night--perhaps flying bugs are triggering glass sensors? Are you leaving anything plugged into the accessory power outlet?