For the people who still have that cluster problem i recently found a workaround by accident. Dont know if it was mentioned here before. But when my cluster wouldnt turn on when i start the car i would just turn it back off. Then i would turn the headlights on 2 - 3 times till i got the light bulb indicator on in the dash. Then the cluster would work again upon restart. Just wanna see if it will help others with the problem.
Lol yes that will fix all the dying caps in the combo. Seriously, be aware that dying Combo will eventually turn into the car wont shut off. You will have to disconnect the 12 volt battery to kill the car. Took mine about a year of intermittently dying to get to the car wont shut off mode. I recommend you buy a new combo board and be ready. Use Matt from Texas Hybrids he's a good member here and rebuilds boards.
Actually the last owner had that problem and she taught me the hold the power button 3 second and double click to turn off. She never knew about the light switch thing. Its a 2004 prius with 210k miles worst comes to worst ill get the cluter repaired for 160
It took us awhile to figure it out, but ever since I learned I could just hold down the button for long enough, I haven't had an issue with it turning off. 2008 with 140K. Planning on replacing the cluster if we don't trade it in (for a newer Prius, of course) E6910 ?
@Infamous6i9 and @EpicDad, to reiterate what edthefox5 is trying to tell you, this is not a fix but a workaround. It works until it doesn't anymore. The fix is to replace the CM (combination meter) with a repaired one from someone like Matt @Texas Hybrid Batteries who offers a good product. It is a good idea to plan to do this before it finally fails.
Did u try turning it on slowly and off until u see the headlight indicator.. trick is to do it slow for me
Thanks. Well again its a workaround. If worst comes to worst i live quite close to KlaxonPro Hybrid Technology and they charge 160 lifetime warranty.
Oh yeah for sure. I plan on replacing the combo meter. Just the whole trying to get it on temporarily didn't work for me yesterday. It been going out intermittently for awhile now. Probably started about a year ago, but we didn't have many issues through summer, which is why replacing the meter got out on the back burner. Now that it's winter again, it's happening at least every other day. I'll probably get the combo meter this year. E6910 ?
If that includes installation that’s a good deal. You can see what it takes to install on youtube called Prius combo meter