I am considering buying a 2014.5 Camry Hybrid now (the zero percent financing and deep season end clearance discount has me thinking now might be the time to buy) and giving my 2010 Prius to my son. He won't need it until late December and I don't feel like insuring 3 cars right now as my wife and I only need 2. My Prius is a 2010 with 89k miles on it. It has been absolutely bulletproof! I have regularly changed the oil every 10k. I have done none of the recommended services. If I were to put it away for 3.5 months (or more..) what should I do to be sure it's ready to go and won't suffer any problems when I awaken it from its nap. Thanks in advance.
get a smart charger for the 12 volt battery and pump up the gyres to max sidewall. might as well do the services recommended in the book, air and cabin filters, maybe change the tranny fluid, etc. but don't buy any extra dealer services.
+1 on bisco's answer. Can't think of anything else. If you don't want to keep the 12 volt charged up, then simply unhook the negative at the body. Reconnect it when you are ready to use the Prius again. Best of luck to you, Ron (dorunron)
I found this in a manual "Disconnect wire harness from exclusive jump starting terminal (found in Junction Block under hood)". Where exactly is that harness and how to disconnect it?
What is it you're trying to do, just disconnect the battery for protracted storage? If so, I would just pull the negative cable clamp off the post at the battery, and isolate it, say stuff it into a heavy rubber glove, so it can't slip back into contact with the post. I believe the wiring harness you mention connects where shown in @nutz video #23 here: Nutz About Bolts Prius Maintenance Videos | PriusChat
I would jake it up and put it on some type of blocks. Sitting for 3+ months could put flat spots on the times. Then it will feel they need balancing. Some have that problem, some don't. But "usually" after driving it a while and they get hot, it goes away.