Hey you guys! I am making a new video about the 2004 Prius. It will be a video that all prospecting Prius owners (or people in the market for a new car) could view. It will be sort of like an infomercial type thing and I will explain all about the Prius, as well as disprove it's common misconceptions. I have a lot of information about the Prius, but I would like some input on what to display in this short 5-10 minute film about the 2004 Prius Hybrid! Please reply to this thread with a list of things that you think I should include in the video (ex. You could say, Show how the Prius doesn't need to be plugged in). If you said that, I would show in the video how there is no plug for a Prius and I would explain how it gets it's battery power. Simple Enough? Alrighty... well, start your Engines!
Smart Start and Auto Entry at Night.... maybe you could even do a comedy thing with friends... video tape the Prius in stealth mode sneaking up on your unsuspecting friends (actors).
Nice! I like it. Keep the ideas coming people! That idea could go something like this.. "In fact, the Prius is so silent when the ICE isn't on that some people may not be aware that a car is on their tail." Actually, that is actually true. Once I was driving behind a group of people who were just standing right in the middle of the street blocking the whole street. I had to beep at them to get their attention and for them to notice that a car was trying to get through! THEY DIDNT EVEN NOTICE!
And you can play the Jaws theme while you do it. Maybe you can make a shark mod for your Prius, the Meow Mix car was pretty impressive. Certainly tackle the mpg issue. Anyone thinking they are going to get 60 mpg commuting 3 miles to work will be very disappointed. It will still be better than what they are driving now but that isn't the definition of "city driving". Give them the goods on how to get good and poor mileage. It isn't just jack rabbit starts, crawling off the line up hill isn't going to help.
You could also show the difference in mpg when going 55 mpg and 65mpg. This may help prevent people from being "disappointed" when they find that their 70-75 mph freeway commutes don't meet the EPA estimates. Be sure to show the more than ample amount of storage space. Seats folded down; storage spot for the rear hatch area cover. Show how much driver/passenger room there is and that even "taller" adults can sit quite comfortably in the rear seats. Have a tall person get in/out of the car. Show how the computer can store additional infomation, like when maintenance was performed, etc. A few explanations of the dash/screens that show the flow of energy. Some views from inside the cabin to show how much viewing area is available.
54mpg is great mileage! but the combined EPA rating for the 2004 Prius is 55, and prospective owners might wonder why 55 is not attainable at all speeds and on all terrain. I guess what I'm trying to get at is a way the film could address the EPA's statement that "Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle's condition. " (emphasis added) Since the movie is target for "prospecting Prius owners", it might be good to address this up front.
I agree with ericbecky's idea on the cargo. Personally, the winning feature was the folding seat and the cargo room. Just do what other companies do. Make/buy some boxes of various sizes and figure out how to place them so that they all fit. Have to make them of various size/shape diminsions as to confuse the eye and make them look bigger when not properly stacked. When poeple see a huge stack of boxes and then (maybe funny music in the background) fast-motion loading the car, I think they will be impressed. I saw a Prius commercial some back in which the universe got sucked into the back. If only there were a way to do something like that. Or maybe make a statement that "you can fit an entire Toyota inside a Prius". Then open the hatch and there, in the middle of the folded seats, is a toy Yoda. ("use the force") I would say that above all else, the underlying theme must be humurous. About the stealth mode, maybe after you've made that point, you can have the MC talking into the camera. Meanwhile, in the background, the car sneaks up on HIM and pranks the prankster. I'm thinking VW a few years back wasn't just selling the cars but the fun people have in their cars. Sell the emotions. Oh and Great Idea!
How about something related to the low emissions, too. You need some way to visualize for the audience how much emissions comes out of a normal car's exhaust and then compare it to how much comes out of a Prius.
Yea good idea... you might want to use Toyota's paint comparison. It's something like driving 150,000 miles puts out as much pollution as painting a small room... I don't remember it exactly though. I'm sure you could do something creative with that idea.
But whatever you do, DO NOT illustrate low emissions but wrapping your lips around the tailpipe. "Toyota Prius, so clean you couldn't possibly commit suicide with it." What? You were thinking it, I'm just the one who said it.
I've had this happen while riding in my friend's classic Prius. What exactly do you guys do when this happens (usually in parking lots and residential side streets). It doesn't seem right to honk, since its kinda rude and would probably startle them. And rolling down the window to yell seems a bit, um, drunken. I was thinking a bicycle horn...
Pete, That's totally wicked cool that your portfolio will enjoy the addition of a Prius film! I don't know what you can do with your Mac and your editing program, but if you are able to take parts of videos that are already on the Internet, Toyota has some cool stuff posted around. They have their introductory video for the Prius on the Japanese website; something in the video might appeal to you. Also at the end of the video is a cool commerical they made. You can watch the English version of the commercial on Toyota's Dutch website. Besides the commercial and the New York auto show launch, the Dutch site has four different videos about the technical wizardry of the Prius with some specific details like carbon dioxide emissions per mile and safety features; the videos have some good info that might help you. Speaking of safety, keep in mind that the Prius scored higher than any other car in the large family car segment in the European New Car Assessment; earning 5 stars. There's a misconception that you can dispell: the Prius is not that safe... it is! You already know all about the unique features that the #9 package has like Bluetooth and Smart Entry. Something interesting to add would be the GPS and Bluetooth integration. For example, if you need to go to a Toyota dealership, you simply press the "voice" button on the multi-function steering wheel and say "Toyota Dealership". Then one pops up and you can press the Toyota icon on the screen. When it pulls up yo' Toyota dealership, all you got to do to call them is press the telephone icon and you're set. You can also mention that, no, it doesn't have a Hemi... I've seen your other movies; your editing is very professional; you are really talented for your age. I doubt that you need very much help with the movie. Good Luck, I look forward to seeing it. -flyingprius Websites mentioned above are below http://www.toyota.co.jp/company/prius/en/ http://www.euroncap.com/content/safety_rat...p?id1=3&id2=193 http://www.toyota.nl/showroom/prius/gallery.html
An aaauuugaaa horn would be cool. I just give a very brief tap on the horn. Not rude. A brief tap says, "Hi. Look behind you. Car coming." A long honk is rude. A long honk says, "Hey you @#!!&%, can't you look where you're going???"
For the Movie: be original. there are so many videos around that say this is how it works blah blah blah... Show the unique things like the 2 power outlets, the placment f the HSD control unit. How about some really close closeups of the bodywork at angles to impress. Use a boom and track from the front to back over the top edge of the car and from side to side back and front. Display the "toys" such as calendar, maintenance screen etc. Sun__Tzu: how about a Swiss Cow bell? Hold it out of the window and swing it, or goto extreams and get a truck compressed air horn fitted :twisted:
Sun__Tzu How about adding a soothing digital voice, ala KITT from Knight Rider, that says, “Excuse me please, I’d like to proceed.†:lol: