If the ambient temperature is lower than the cabin set temperature, with the fan the heat pump will be activated too, even though the A/C is switched off. And you will notice a slight decrease of the calculated EV range.
I indeed, but the decrease of the calculated EV range is decreased 10-15%. Simply want to run the fan without heat pump AC. Thank you.
set the temp to 'low' set the air to fresh or recirc set the air direction set the fan to desired speed. ignore the reduction in estimated ev miles, it's a dumb indicator letting you know that using hvac can reduce your ev range. it should only activate with cooling or heat, but toyota chose to fan activate it for some strange reason
A dumb question: “set the temp to “low” “. Won’t that turn the AC on when all I’m trying to do is circulate outside air in the car? Thank you for any help.
If the A/C is Off, then it won’t kick in. So temperature = Low and A/C = Off, essentially means climate-control other than whatever you set for the fan to do.
@mr88cet is correct. He is saying you need to set your A/C temperature to below 60 degrees - where the indicator says "LO". This should keep your heater from kicking on even though the outside temp may be, say, 50 degrees.When the heater used to go on even though I had my entire climate system set to OFF, my battery percentage indicator would drop like a rock. BTW, I ALWAYS use the battery percentage indicator and not the estimated battery mileage indicator. That way you will know EXACTLY when you hit zero and the engine will start up.The battery mileage indicator is little better than a SWAG.