Nope. The shoe represents the people who speak objectively about Tesla, and the other foot are people who insist on polluting their threads with all they perceive wrong with that viewpoint.
So discussing perceived wrongs are pollution but defending against them is not. To me it's all just discussions - this is a forum.
maybe disclosing hidden agenda's would help perhaps starting a thread with a 'why tesla is terrible and won't be around long' title would be useful
When I think back over the many dozens of cars I have owned, those that gave me the most satisfaction and joy of ownership weren't the most reliable in terms of number of visits to the mechanic or repair dollars. Some were in the shop for mods to things like we used to do in the '70s including GASP removal of the smog pump. Some for windows that kept blowing the regulators. But those are the cars I look at in the classifieds and think of buying again on the used market. My point, reliability and satisfaction can be different depending on what you are wanting from a car. My wife's car has been perfectly reliable, I don't like to drive in it or drive it. It satisfies her. We want different things in a car. And as to the 10 year out reliability or satisfaction survey I doubt that what is produced today will have even a vague relationship to what you might be looking to buy at that time. Not with the pace of change.
The site owner of "Model 3 Owners Club" is not a model 3 owner. He does own a model X within the last few months. His prior car was a Lincoln ICE SUV. His primary occupation is a keyboardist on a not very successful garage band. I don't recommend that site to Tesla fanboys.
MONEY! This explains a lot and I appreciate your honesty. But, apparently, Tesla was not a good fit for you and as a result you have an agenda. I know a couple of people who work at Tesla and they are happy but they know co-workers who are not happy. I know that Elon expects a lot from himself and consequently the same from his employees. I expect he is hard taskmaster. I worked in a position once that was not a good fit for me and I moved on. I was happier and the company I worked for was happier too. But I got on with my life, got over it, and didn't continue to hold a vendetta against them, regardless of who was right. I worked for them for 8 years and I am disappointed in myself for not learning my lesson much sooner. And I grew out of that experience. Perhaps you feel that your efforts were not appreciated or acknowledged adequately and that could be true. As an owner of several businesses in the past, some employees require more hands-on reinforcement than others. I believe Elon has little patience for employees that are not self-motivated and need constant reinforcement. But I do want to thank you for your part in engineering the best car I have ever owned. It means a lot to me. Good luck to you in your future employment.
As is my practice, I like to join forums dedicated to the technology of my particular cars. So far, I'm kinda mixed on Model 3, forum options: Tesla forum - text only, I don't get the impression of technically curious. Teslarati - like PriusChat but again, more advocacy than technical content Tesla Model 3 Owners Club - a newbie just starting, light technical content Tesla Motors Club - seems well established with sensible posters, still reviewing InSideEVs - clever posters but small in number Committed to buying a standard range Model 3, advocacy babble has become boring. Rather I'm more interested in things I am experiencing. So I'm thinking about another "In my hands Model 3" thread. Once I figure out which forum has technically oriented, Model 3 owners, I'll start my master "In my hands" thread there. It isn't clear if it makes sense to share here or my other, active forums. Limited to a Model 3 or Tesla specific forum, it makes some sense to share specific technical details. But I am always leary of becoming a 'found religion' pest and an "In my hands" thread attracting trollish responses by the non-technical. Bob Wilson
I'm a TMC guy. So far so good there. And I like their software a little better than here. side note, glad to see you are safe and posting this morning with all of the storms in Alabama last night.
If you do not post here, please provide a link. I'm curious about some of the tech involved in the unfortunately named 'autopilot' feature, and it would be interesting to read the thoughts of somebody using more light and less heat. Fun Fact: The autopilot was developed in (wait for it!)..........1912. It was and is a system to reduce pilot fatigue during an hours-long trip, and it did and does have a very pronounced love/hate relationship with it's users. TESLA's problem stems from shameless self-promotion, and people's lack of understanding of the difference between 'autopilot' and autonomous (SAE J3016 L5.) The REASON why other manufacturers have systems like GMs super-cruise which are probably causing a statistically higher percentage of accidents without the blow-back from fake news is on big T, but the accidents themselves are not. I'm not going to wade into whether T3s are L2, L3, or L5 because it's irrelevant. Aircraft have been fully autonomous-capable since the end of WW2, and yet airlines who won't give you a $0.25 bag of peanuts without charging you for them because of profitability still have TWO for-real, mostly unionized, human pilots up in the front office. There's a reason for that! +1. I understand it got a little bumpy in Opelika, and I would imagine it was the same on the other side.