Hi everyone! I’m looking for a roof rack that won’t interfere with my sunroof on my 2012 gen 3, 4 model. If you have any suggestions let me know and post a picture if you have one you like, thanks in advance!
I know that if you go on yakima.com you can input your vehicle's information and they will recommend a roof rack that works for you. This is how I got mine. Yakima Products Up at the top, there is a button that says "Add Your Vehicle" just click that and fill that out, you should be good!
I have the Thule 480R and the ARB53 bars and I can’t open my sunroof at all. It interferes with the inside edge of the 480R. I’m going to try widening the mount a bit on both front and rear and it should probably work. iPhone ?
Yes, iPhone. Wish they had the app on App Store. Thule recommended the Wingbar Evo 135 with the Rapid Traverse Foot Pack Kit #1566 so I’ve been looking on eBay for some used ones for a cheaper price