If you are hoping that this might thwart the cat thieves, it might be a fruitless exercise, as the thieves seem to have a way of disabling the theft deterrent alarm before they lift the car to hack out the cat. The cat guard (or garaging), might be the better way to go, if you think you're at risk.
There's no tilt alarm on the Prius so they don't need to disarm it and they don't try to open the doors. I think this is why a lot of them are being targeted. There are various Youtube vids showing alarms going off when cars are jacked up but no info on the prius.
And, yet there have been at least 2 reports from people that have had their cat stolen that the alarm is not working after the theft.
I can confirm this after my cat was stolen from my 2009 Prius. My dash cam activated in parking mode as soon as they started jacking up the car. The alarm was armed (blinking) the entire time and never sounded.
Visited a shop recently to inquire about a tilt sensor, and was told that many owners find their horns no longer work after having the cat stolen. He mentioned some thieves will reach under the bumper and cut the horn wires before quickly tackling the job.
Hi I recently had a tilt sensor and after market alarm fitted as two different places said tilt sensor wasn't compatible with the factory alarm.
factory Alarm doesn't have tilt/shock sensor, Will wait till somebody will do it DYI and share. it works basically adding another loop switch to existing door open/close sensor which is just mechanical contact on wire pair. If you go with smart sensor (507M DEI Digital Tilt etc..) it's not that simple without good guide. Beside this wire you need to find always hot 12V and do some fuses. I have one guy who installed even simpler ball tilt sensor cutting in into existing wire pair coming from the door.. in this case you don't need any other connection, you just duplicating existing open door switch. V
ya i was wondering do get the 507M tilt sensor but i dont know what wire to tap into thats the hard part. heres the link to the instruction to install the tilt sensor. the only part is where to tap those ground alarm wire to. https://www.installer.com/pdf/507m.pdf
@chapman did you mean metal rod welded = Conduit ? @richard thanks for manual. Anybody knows where in Prius G2 all alarm brains located ? And in Armed state is door switch pair is connected or disconnected ? I meant like this one, it doesn't need to be connected to any power. Juts parallel connect it to do sensor. But need to check if factory door switch work on open/or close circuit . and buy one to work with 12V and probably .5A. it's nice project, I will go today to see how those factory knobs set, probably even replace one on the rear door with one of those below: DEI Directed Electronics 8623 Ball Bearing Mercury Tilt Switch Sensor for Alarm | eBay or even 10pcs/lot SW 200D Vibration switch Ball switch Tilt switch Double bead Angle sensor|Sensors| - AliExpress Cutting horn require is different level of thief, so this still can help.
I don't have a Gen 2 handy. Looking at my Gen 3, I can only imagine somebody poking cutters directly through the grille to cut the horn wires running vertically right behind it. I imagine it wouldn't take anything more elaborate than what we call Electrical Metallic Tubing, secured somehow at the top and bottom, to throw a wrench in that plan. But Gen 2 may be different.
Thanks all, I started my project on Gen2 to see what will happened, Door switch is single wire device so it should work with Ground (-). In closed position ground = ON. I will just get rid of rear left switch and wire it with tilt sensor, I hope will find some for 12V, otherwise need relay. Duralast Door Jamb Switch SW3481
so right now we got the following down. victoro you got a picture of the door switch to show its only one wire? if we got this down i might do it. red wire - 12v power source orange wire - door lock switch blue wire - how about this wire? iit need to wire to a trigger wire which is what? lol
Here is a dealer link for a gen3 installation, could be similar for a gen2 : http://toyotaparts.sparkstoyota.com/install/00016-47101inst.pdf Also @Victorio Mo mentioned installing a tilt sensor, and might be able to suppl\y more info or images from the install as well.