Is there anyone who can help me to remove the steering column for gen 4. I want to install cruise switch since I own a basic model. I found on but it's too costly. Thanks in advance Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Have you the rest of the Cruise Control - I imagine the computer is different, as well as RADAR and Windscreen sensors. They all need calibration (which is costly).
No. I'm just going for simple cruise not the radar cruise. It's just like plug and play. I only need switch Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
You do not have a Gen 4 Prius. I will report this to get moved to the Prius c forum. That is the US name for the Aqua model.
There is no humiliation in ignorance. I hope you could answer what I asked rather than being stuck in my profile. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Sorry - but it's a very different car. Moving it to the Prius c Forum will mean that it's seen by people who own a car the same as yours, and will be much more likely to have an answer.
How can you be so obtuse? Did you check the link I mentioned(marklines)? Does it relate to prius c? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
JFYI, the link you posted in #1 is broken, or at least temporally unavailable? In any case, it would help you and other forum goers to place the thread in appropriate location that is under Prius C.
I'm sorry - nobody is being obtuse - whatever that means. The "MARKLINES" link won't open. Your profile says: - is this your car or are you talking about another car?
4th-Generation Toyota Prius Teardown: Photo gallery (132 parts) - MarkLines Automotive Industry Portal
All trims in the US and many other countries, including the basic models, have Dynamic RADAR Cruise control already installed from factory. People mistakenly post in the wrong forum & are confused by our "Generation" terminology here but are respectful. You did not state you owned a different car. The link in your first post just pointed to Marklines main page. Other than your statement of Gen 4 there was no indication you were not perhaps confused by the Generation designations. Please be more clear & respectful in the future, or troll elsewhere.
I didn't mean to disrespect anyone. I knew where I was posting i.e prius gen 4, I simply asked how to tear down the steering column and rather than getting solution or a positive answer. I just ended up with that I don't own this car. Fair enough Anyway there are many Japanese trims which don't have Toyota safety sense as it is not a standard feature however due to their impressive built quality, they pre install all those wires and ecu and every other components. You just need a hardware(cruise switch, mm wave radar, front Cam whatever the case maybe) and calibrations. You are good to go. Lastly, I just want to install cruise switch that's all. Because DRCC won't work good where I live because of very bad traffic. I just need traditional cruise switch for my highway trips. Thanks
It sounds like common sense to install just one wiring loom no matter what installed accessories there are. I've seen that in other cars with extra wiring which actually went nowhere for optional fittings which weren't there. After you install the hardware, are there any software changes you would need to make? In relation to it being a Gen 4 PRIUS. Can I suggest you change your profile from "2014 Aqua" - so we don't get confused next time. Unless - you do have an Aqua (known in most of the world as a Prius c) as well? Sorry - I don't know about removal of the steering wheel. I haven't removed one since AIRBAGS came in.
There should be Toyota technical documentation available by subscription for your region. @Elektroingenieur may know the details for Pakistan.
I’m not sure that’s so; the only subscription websites for Toyota service information I know about are those I listed on the PriusChat Wiki page, and they only cover the models sold as new cars in each region. For a Toyota Aqua or right-hand drive Prius c, the best source for service information written in English would probably be, but I don’t know if you can subscribe to that website with an address outside of Australia. If you can read Japanese, you could buy an Electronic Technical Manual CD for the Aqua (NHP10). The English-language equivalent (Global Service Information Center) may also exist, but I’m not sure how you’d get it without an inside connection at Toyota or a dealer or distributor.
That’s easier: I’d suggest a subscription to, and then go to: Repair > Repair Manuals > Model: Prius > Basic Model Code: ZVW50 > Search > RM3213EN > Steering > Steering Column > Steering Wheel.
I think he was being a bit rude. Obtuse: annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand. e.g. "he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse" synonyms: stupid, dull, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, witless, half-baked, half-witted, doltish, lumpish, blockish, imperceptive