From searching threads I thought the battery birth date was in MM/DD/YY. I looked at mine today, first number is 24? See attached. I bought the vehicle used few months ago, the owner said the battery had been replaced. If I am reading part of the battery right it, I believe it was made in 2011. So he failed to tell me he replaced it 8 years ago, silly me for not asking when or checking the date. Anyways I am probably due for one don’t you think?
Vehicle is a 2010, so I was assuming it couldn’t be original. I guess if it is a late model 2010 it could be.
how long have you owned it? a lot of 10's sat on the lot, and had to have the 12v replaced prematurely
About 3 months I have had her. I guess he outright lied to me, just not sure why he offered that information when I didn’t even ask about the 12v. I don’t have a digital meter, I’m thinking maybe I should just replace it.
No, I specifically remember him saying “ I never replaced the big battery.” I know that to be true since I actually got back there shortly after I bought it it to clean the fan. It was filthy by the way.
Debating do I buy a load tester.....battery is already 7 years old whether it tests fine or not only matter of near future death no?
@Mendel Leisk is our load tester expert mine is 7 years, but i'm waiting il it shows some signs of old age. i run a volt meter over it every now and again, just to see if it is dropping at all.
My mileage is lower than what most people have posted (taking into account winter drops). I have even babied the pedal, although I need a full EGR cleaning which I have on the list. I only have an analog meter so tough for me to test right this second.
The need to load test will continue beyond your current problem. Also good to take along when buying batteries, though most retailers have pro versions, and should be willing to demonstrate with the battery you're buying. I got a Solar BA5 a few years ago, rudimentary but works as advertised, around $60 US I think? A smart charger is another nice piece of gear to have.
I just ordered the Solar tester and I have one question. Can I leave the terminals hooked up to the car while I conduct the test or do I have to disconnect the terminal connections to the vehicle and have the battery isolated from the vehicle?