While the heating/Air conditioning is on. There is a loud noise from the heat pump working. But how loud is everyone's. Mine is pretty loud and in colder weather getting worse. Almost sounds like I am driving a hooptie!
It is variable speed, so will be louder the harder it's working (be it extreme heat in summer or extreme cold in winter). If you have Techstream, you should be able to watch its RPMs or power consumption and get a sense for how it sounds at different levels. (For other devices like ScanGauge, Torque, etc., somebody may have figured out the PIDs for compressor rpm and/or watts; I know somebody figured them out for Gen 3, so worth checking if they're known for the Prime.) -Chap
From experience working on these cars, the ele trick compressor isn't supposed to make such a loud noise. If there's noise, your compressor maybe signalling you to get ready for a breakdown. Is the cooling system cooling properly? If it is, then you got to open up the hood, engage the AC system, and stay at the front, if you could figure out where the noise is coming from. Might be one of the radiator/AC fans rubbing on something?
difficult to convey loudness with words. prius compressors are fairly noisy to begin with, though i haven't experienced the new prime compressor/pump sound.
distant machine gun... but i have read that if the noise is increasingly louder, it could be going south,
I've had the Prime for over a year, but have not used the heat pump system much until recently when I started using the pre-conditioning feature. When I go into my garage while the Prime is warming up its cabin, the noise is very loud -- like an electric garbage disposal with a few walnuts dropped into it. Reminded me of when kids used to stick trading cards into their bicycle wheels to imitate the sound of a motorcycle. Is this normal? Of course, when pre-conditioning, the noise stops immediately when I open any of the Prime's doors. Tonight I made a short trip of about 8 miles and used the heat pump. I really noticed the noise while stopped at traffic lights. Not as loud as inside the garage with concrete walls and floor, but loud nonetheless. Is this worth taking to the dealer for diagnosis/repair or is it just the way the Prime sounds when the heat pump is running.
i dont have the walnuts sound but mine sounds like a medium loud air compressor. i got to go to the dealer anyway for a software update (for the auto braking.)
Sounds like something is caught in the fan under the hood. It runs the radiator fan when the heat pump/AC is running to keep ambient air moving over the outside coil. It probably rarely runs the radiator fan while driving since the car is so efficient. You could probably turn the fan by hand while the car is off and see if it's hitting anything. Or just take it to the dealer.
I notice mine is pretty noticeable too. While seated inside the car, the HVAC noise level coming from the hood is about 60% of what it feels like when ICE is running. Faint vibration in the steering as well. Has anyone concerned taken it to the dealer to see if it's normal?
if you can take a recording and post it, give out side Temp at time of testing. I myself have recoverd and recharged 12 Prius Prime as to date i do not ever recall hearing a noisy compressor. I have been seen what appears to be refrigerant leaks at some oring fitting joints. The Prime are too new to see a pattern problem unless it turns out to be often and bad failures. Time will tell. here is one of four videos I put up on youtube on this PP. biggest problem I see for Prius AC repairs is the DIY or shops that use the little refrigerant can improperly recharging the Prius. Or a few months after the Prius had front end damage repair and the body shop recharges the AC usually see a prius come in a shop after 9 mounts to 18 mounts with a burnt up compressor Tell me if you see oil with dirty dust dirt build up on some fitting in this video ?