Hey Guys I have a 2018 Prius Prime Advanced and Yesterday (2/17/2019) the screen on the console unit (the large tablet) , shattered. I've been having issues with the console since September, with it not responding, phantom clicks, and lockups. Toyota has replaced the entire console twice and had it out / apart numerous times to try and fix the issues. A couple months ago I got my car back from the dealership after their forth or fifth attempt to fix the issue and it was fine until yesterday (2/17/2019). I had finished vacuuming the car and giving it a generally cleaning. I turned it on, and noticed the screen wasn't responding to touch, so I pressed the menu button and tried to press settings. The first and second click didn't respond, so I tried to press it one more time and the screen shattered. Has anyone ran into this issue? You can clearly see the thumb print where it cracked. I tried to call the dealership right away but they were closed and today is Family Day, so they're not open again, the problem is that over the last two days, the screen has continued to crack, leaving it looking as if I punched it or something, when that's not the case. Has anyone got the screen fixed in warranty? I've attached a picture I took when I was on the phone with Toyota Canada, just to make sure I have a documented image of it, just after the issue happened. Thanks Docmur
Does Canada or your Province have the equivalent of the Lemon Law we have here in the states? With 5 attempts to fix an issue being unsuccessful a full replacement of the car could be warranted. Go here and scroll down a bit: Lemon law - Wikipedia
We don't, but after dealing with the dealership for hours and getting in contact with Toyota Canada, they're going to replace the screen under warranty, due to the age of vehicle being under 1 year.
Wow, first time seeing expensive (>$4000 usd) screen broken. I sure hope Toyota Canada will be listening to your repeated complaints and have it fixed for free. I generally ignore the screen, but have not had much problem with touch sensor on the screens. That said, it is a "touch screen" after all. You are not supposed to press it. But I can totally understand your frustration. Let us know how it goes with your dealer.
This morning the quote was 13k CAD which is ~9.8k USD, I'm going to call them in a bit and checkup, as I've been told it was being covered.
It does, but it's still an insane bill for an issue that is clearly the screen malfunctioning, luckily the picture shows that the damage is obviously a fluke.
Ummm, I thought the screen was like plastic, not glass? or is that the 7.0'' screen that feels kinda like plastic. And do you think maybe its beacause of the cold we have been experiencing?
Maybe the day is not far off: a cracked touchscreen will total the car? Our 2010 Canadian Touring has nada, I like it that way. Well, it has those little LCD displays, for heat/vent mode and fan speed, I hate those. And further a row of uniform, indistinguisable-without-looking h/v buttons. Not too thrilled with them either. Would crawl across a room strewn with broken glass, for a dash with nothing but simple, tactile ergonomic controls.
Are you sure you didn't punch it? I felt like punching my screen a few times after trying voice recognition and getting ridiculously wrong results.