Have anyone seen this before? I think this so cool to have one for fun. トヨタ プリウスPHV | キャンペーン | 電源供給サイト | トヨタ自動車WEBサイト iPhone ?
Yap, those are standard options available only in Japanese Prius PHV, not for Prius Prime in US. Though I don't know about other countries. My understanding is that Toyota implemented those options in reflection to numbers of natural disasters that hit Japan in recent years.
Yes, at least one other thread on this here. Would be a nice option in the States for similar reasons. Also car camping and tailgating stuff.
not that i recall. there was at least one fairly deep dive thread, but as is usually the case, time and money usually trump benefits.
Based on the Japanese FAQ below (please google translate it), for the Japanese PHV, the external power connector (Shape like I1772) will not work unless the internal 120V socket was installed: Q: When purchased the accessary with no outlet, can you supply external power if you buy a vehicle power connector with parts? A: If you do not equip accessory outlet (AC 100 V · 1500 W) beforehand, it will not operate even if you plug the vehicle power connector. トヨタ お問い合わせ・よくあるご質問 | 車種別のご質問 | プリウスPHVについてのご質問 | 購入時アクセサリーコンセントを付けていませんが、部品でヴィークルパワーコネクターを購入すれば外部電源供給できますか? | トヨタ自動車WEBサイト トヨタ お問い合わせ・よくあるご質問 | 車種別のご質問 | プリウスPHVについてのご質問 | アクセサリーコンセント(AC100V・1500W/ヴィークルパワーコネクター付)、アクセサリーソケット(DC12V・120W)について、それぞれ詳しく知りたい。 | トヨタ自動車WEBサイト
You guys are all well aware of this... but I've seen people attach after-market 1000w inverters to the 12v battery of older models (non-plug-in Prius) and the car will start to keep the 12v battery charged within safe limits. Is the Prime different? Should this NOT be attempted with the Prime, owed to a different system architecture? Thank you in advance. I know I'm a newb and stumbling into the deep end of the pool here...
This plug/ or adapter is for immediate use from the built-in inverter in the Japanese products. For emergency, camping, whatever., I believe. If someone reads ideographs, please contribute.
I have the pip, not the prime, but my opinion: The car will watch over and tend to the 12 volt anytime the car is on. I see no reason why it should care *what* the load on the 12 volt is. If the battery needs topping up, it tops it up. You have the headlights on? A massive stereo? An inverter? They all look the same electrically, why would it care which one you're doing? That orange thing from Japan? I think there must be circuitry associated with the outlet inside the car. The car talks to whatever you plug it into. It doesn't just connect any passing leads directly to that, 200 Volt(?) battery. I think the orange thing talks to the circuitry associated with the company inverter and the inverter in turn persuades the traction battery to connect. Now if you want something I consider racy and probably dangerous, we had a fellow here who decided to hook an inverter DIRECTLY to the traction battery. I think he wanted more power than the 12 volt could do. I haven't heard that he got hurt doing it, but no way would I try *that* myself.