I am charging my Prius Prime inside a house on the standard outlet. Thats why I am also thinking of security more. I know that Toyota explains about triple protection system for battery that should prevent issues. But is there any possibility that it could catch fire? If that happens, the whole house can burn down together with all of us inhabitants Have there been any incidents involving fire during charging or driving with Prius Prime (excl. crashes)? I am usually charging at night currently, would it be better to charge during day just to be sure? But that would violate recommendation to limit amount of time when battery is at maximum charge level if possible. So I am thankful for any insight of you guys that know more.
there is always a possibility of a car fire, any car at any time. so here is how i look at it: there have been no prime charging fires reported here iirc. pip has had several alleged charging fires. standard prius has had many fires including garage and home involvement. gas cars have had many fires including garage and home involvement. what this all means to me is that i am either willing to accept the risk, or i should never have any car in an attached garage. i accept the risk, but have proper smoke, fire and co monitors and alarms. whatever your choice, sleep well!
Do you charge your smart phone indoors? It’s more likely that would burst into flames historically.
Here is a good tread about a Prius PiP charging accident; Need advice - Outlet caught fire | PriusChat
If you are concerned with a fire starting in the night, then put a wireless mesh smoke detector out there and a matching one inside the house. If the garage smoke detector goes off, then the inside one will as well. This type of meshed detector is available at home centers nad online.
i used to charge in the garag, but too many pip fires. i moved it well away from the house with an extension cord. hopefully, they improved prime fire rating
Download the Plug Share app to find charging stations close to you and filter by free. This way you can charge the car using a free 240V outlet, it will take 2.5 hours as opposed to 5.5. I know some people like charging at home but in most cases with gas prices being low it's cheaper to just run the ICE.