I have a 2017 Prius IV. I bought the car new in June of 2017. I took the car in for two factory recall fixes about 3 weeks ago. I usually get around 560 miles per tank +-. The last two fill ups I have gotten 440 and 486 miles per tank. My driving habits have not changed at all. Has anyone else had any recall fixes and or noticed a decline in the miles? I'm just at total loss as to why i'm having such a drastic change.
Do you set tire pressures higher than Toyota spec ( per driver's door jamb sticker)? If so, they might have brought them back to spec: not a big factor, but some.
If you’re referring only to safety recalls and service campaigns (as opposed to service bulletins), there have only been three for model year 2017 Prius cars sold in the U.S., and none of these does anything that would be expected to affect fuel economy: J0T is wrapping a wire harness with tape, J0R is reprogramming the intelligent clearance sonar, and 17R2 is setting the air pressure in the spare tire. Was any other work done at the same time? How is the work described on the repair order? Also, has your weather been colder lately? On my car, I’ve noticed that the engine runs more when heating is needed, even if the temperature is just a few degrees cooler than the air conditioning set point, so the fuel economy suffers a bit.
Most likely tyre pressure changes or just the colder weather affecting fuel economy. I read somewhere that in the US the fuel blend also changes around this time which can reduce economy.
I've never seen it get worse - I've had improvements, particularly with my FORDs which they'd plug into the laptop each service, and it would re-map things sometimes when it loaded the latest software. I'm hoping he posts records of his last few fills - distance travelled with a tank is too vague to assess.
I drive a 2017 Prius that I’ve had for 13 months. I’ve only put 5100 miles on it. Back in October I took the car in for a recall check concerning the engine wire harness. They merely checked things and according to them did nothing to the vehicle. Immediately following this my mpg has dropped from the low-mid 60’s down to the low-mid 50’s? Tire pressure’s have remained constant. Any thoughts on this?
Most likely tyre pressure changes or just the colder weather affecting fuel economy. I read somewhere that in the US the fuel blend also changes around this time which can reduce economy. Deja vu?
Everytime my wife gets a tire rotation at her local Toyota dealership they seem to deflate here tires. I tested this theory before the last service. I inflated her tires to 38psi on all four corners and when I checked it at cold temp it was 28 psi on each corner. SM-N960U1 ?
Even when I request them to leave the tire air pressure alone, they insist on messing it up. I just know now that I have to fix it the next day...
Was getting about 530 per tank. After getting recalls accomplished,started getting about 460 per tank. I will never buy another Toyota again. Should of purchased a Tesla.
You sure the 17" wheels didn't do that ? Put the 15" wheels back on and calculate. Be sure to pump the tires to 38 psi at cold also or more if you feel comfortable. SM-N960U1 ?
When you have a very efficient vehicle like the Prius it doesn't take much to reduce the MPG numbers. ...a little less air pressure in the tires, a change in outside air temp. requiring more use of the heater, and change in gas formulation from summer to winter mix, larger wheel diameter, etc.