We live in an area with record rainfall. Not sure if it was intended but the cover door to the charge port almost always has a lot of water around it. Does everyone have this problem? We took it to the dealer and they said that is the way it was designed (no seal around the cover). I am not worried about water getting in to the charge port itself, but am a bit surprised that it might cause a rust problem.
I also live in an area with lots of rain, and yes, water gets in the charge port door all the time. As long as you put the cap on the charge port itself, I don't think we'll have rust problems, most of it's plastic and what isn't looks like the same paint treatment as the outside of the car.
I don't think you want to seal around the chargeport cover (assuming you are talking about the hatch that pops open). Otherwise, when you charge when it rains, the water inside the cover would never dry out. You would definitely have rusting issues then.
It is designed to drain, since charging while it rains & snows with the door open is a normal function. It will get wet inside. No harm.
Thanks, but trust me, it never seems to dry out. We always park in a garage, so the rain gets in during day, but just sits there.
Yeah, even in Southern Cal, it takes a few days to dry out. I would assume that with a higher humidity, it would take a lot longer. Remember, water gets in underneath your car and in all the crevices during normal drying and these take just as long to dry out.
i think someone one else came up with a gasket seal in another thread. i wouldn't be happy if water was sitting in mine.
Why? It's not a problem and a seal would mean never charging if there is even a remote chance of precipitation. Giving that up makes no sense. Again, it is designed to deal with water.
It's not even supposed to seal. Think about charging in the rain or snow - the door is completely open. Everything inside is designed to handle water, including the electrical connector.