Well I guess now I believe in Voodoo!! I just got my 4th flat tire on my Prius Prime in about 12 months! As before, the warning sensor on the dash is completely useless! It said that I had a flat, went outside and sure enough the tire's flat as a pancake. It has no advanced warning at three or four pounds low or anything like that. The system is simply flipping useless! Of course this is not all of it, day before yesterday I was rear-ended by a loser who then proceeded to run away from the site of the accident. I had to chase her for almost two miles, in order to confront her with what she did to me. Some guy in her car was M effing me effing bomb me and so forth and trying to attack me as I was talking to the people on 911; they told me just shut my windows, lock the car and ignore the hitter. Police showed up finally and even though the woman was under 21, and had no driver's license, the car that she was driving which was owned by someone else, was insured. Of course these joyous events add to my monster preparation for abdominal surgery on Monday which will tie me up for about three weeks. This is a party! I guess I should call it a voodoo party! Hey, I'm still alive!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
I predict that your luck is going to get better. The chances of it getting worse are just too slim. I appreciate your attitude.
Construction nearby? I've seen it go like that before, where somebody with decades+ of no flats suddenly gets a few in a row, and it turns out there's a new housing development or something going up along a common route like the commute or grocery run. Enough debris gets tracked out to matter.
Think of it this way: your allotment of bad luck for the year has now been used up early -- which means you should have a good rest of the year!
Thanks, Uncle Jerry! The thing is, I'm still alive, so there's always hope!! My sister says I'll be bored to tears in the hospital, so let's see what kind of internet mischief I can get into... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
No, on major streets in Brea, one of the nicer parts of town. With the terrible lack of warning from the Toyota TSP system, I can't determine the area where I picked up the large Phillips head screw, right in the center of the tread; at least it was repairable. Hey I feel really lucky now: the bozo driving the flatbed with me and my car didn't see a BLOOD RED signal light; I told him 3 times, the light is red, the light is red, hey, the LIGHT IS RED!! He barely stopped in time!! Le PrimeSnail and I almost bought the farm (with a tenant!). Maybe somebody or something is trying to tell me something!? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
Over the past few days, there's been a corollary to my theory of intelligence that's been forming in my mind. For years, I've theorized that when God made Adam and Eve, He made all the intelligence He was ever going to make. So, the more people there are, the thinner it's spread. I think there's a corollary to it that says that the intelligence is evenly distributed over the surface of the planet, so the more densely an area is populated, the less there is per person on top of the global limitations. In other words, the denseness of the people is proportional to the population density. It seems that your recent experiences are providing anecdotal support for that theory. [edited to fix major typo]
I’m a firm believer in Darwin’s theory of evolution. You appear to subscribe as well. Hope the surgery is successful @HPrimeAdvanced .
My tire pressure warning system worked fine when I picked up a small nail. Is it possible that your new TPMS sensors were not properly initiated when you replaced your tires? Should be easy to test: just deflate your tire to about 25 pounds and it should come on.
The TPMS system has consistently, since brand new, performed the same useless way: it indicates the tire is flat, with no advance warning even with a small nail. I've had 4 experiences, one "excusable" flat caused by a chunk of rubber being removed. Since my accident, the last 2 days my eyes have been glued to the dash, and when the icon appeared, I stopped within 2 blocks and discovered the flat. America's Tire in Fullerton has done almost all the rotation, mounting, replacing, and balancing of the tires. Aside from the ridiculous practice of not providing us with spare tires for our cars, the defective operation of these sensors needs to be addressed. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
It is interesting that you imply that all Prius Primes have defective TPMS sensors. Mine seem to work fine. Has anyone else on this forum noticed this problem?
Are you certain that any of your flats were slow leaks that theoretically could supply advance warning of a flat, vs the fast leaks that produce prompt flats? Just because a nail is small doesn't guarantee that its leak is slow.
I have no way of knowing if the leaks were slow or fast. I think the system is flawed mainly because the warning icon is insufficient warning for something so serious. An audio warning with a large flashing icon is necessary. If the leak were rapid, at least you'd have a chance to reach help. A spare tire should be mandatory, especially if they're going to stick me with all those other silly flashing lights and electronic gizmos. It's time manufacturers saw the light. And please get rid of all those stupid, dangerous airbags and give me some serious seatbelts! Oh and I run 42 Lbs of pressure, and a nail or screw puncture shouldn't deflate the tire in 5 minutes or less. A much more noticeable warning is vital to our safety especially if they're not giving me a spare. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
I can see some parts of it like survival of the fittest and micro evolution. Not macro evolution, though. Darwin didn't know what was inside of cells so he had to make assumptions. There are functions in animals and people that could not have evolved from something more simple because something more simple could not live. It's called irreducible complexity. Plus, Ralph Nader and the lawyers have pretty much broken survival of the fittest among humans. But we digress. My main point is to wish @HPrimeAdvanced well on his upcoming procedure and hope he has internet access while recovering so we can continue to enjoy his contributions to this community. AND NO MORE FLAT TIRES!!
I hope they don't poke pins in you during surgery. Glad you were able to capture the hitter. Dangerous thing to do in today's world but you did well, grasshopper. Good luck on the recovery....both you and your car. Oh, look at the bright side. The car only has 4 wheels so you can't get any more flats.
I’m sorry to hear about all your tire flats and drama. I have driven for over 65,000 miles. I have had two nails and because I am aware of the poor TPMS and I take long drives, I always walk around and check my tires every day visually. Luckily I keep and use a can of fix a flat and it had came in handy each time. But I had to pull out the nail first with pliers I keep on hand. I would agree that the TPMS on the Prius prime at best is mediocre. I think it reads the sensors every 30 minutes. So if you get a nail in the tire it’s Going to get low and it will not detect it in real time. My Subaru Forester I feel has a better Tpms system. The worst part of the tpms system is when I swap my snow tires on that do not have the sensors The light comes on and stays on which is expected. But when spring arrives and I put back the regular summer tires with the TPMS, The lights will continue to stay on unless I take it to the dealership or tire shop to have them do it. Sadly, The driver can not just re-initialize it from the cars own setting. And after hearing the Horror stories I read here I bought me a temporary spare tire and wrench off eBay that I just leave behind the driver seat. You can still use the provided air pump even if the liquid sealant is used up. Just keep it attached empty as you used it. It’s like their own version of fix a flat. Wishing you better luck this coming year!
Sorry to hear about another flat on your PRIME, plus hit and run episode to add to your unfortunate circumstance. I don't know how you could get so unlucky with tires, you might want to invest $50 on external TPMS rigs. It will show visual cues of what tire pressures are in each tire in real time. That said, I have not experienced flat on my PRIME yet, so I can't comment on the responsiveness of either OEM TPMS or add-on TPMS in real flat incidence. Good luck with your surgery and wishing you for a quick recovery.
TPMS sensors can only report low pressure. Some punctures can let the air out fast, there's no way around that. Was watching It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World last night, good luck with your hospital visit: