I have been looking at other threads and I keep seeing people think that its impossible to disable PCS and just leave it on In carwashes when It's rather easy. I Also don't think that its good to just leave it on in a carwash beacause what if your car just stops and you get rear-ended. Your bumper might crack or theirs. All you do Is go to setting on the MID and scroll down until you see the PCS and tss-p area and disable it. It has a yellow light on your dash notifying you it's off so you don't forget to turn it back on
There is a recall campaign that addresses PCS and car washes. I just reprogrammed my car to turn PCS off when in Neutral. Easy Peazy.
Note in the excerpt from the User Manual that turning PCS off is not "sticky". I will be ON the next time you start the car.