Had an accident in the Prius a few days ago, bumper cover is damaged, just was wondering what is the tank behind the bumper cover on the passenger side? Attached is a pic of the tank, it seems to be empty.
Washer solvent tank? From the picture a bit difficult to confirm. The fill tube is a separate piece if I recall.
Thought about it some more, and took a better look at your picture. This is part of the air intake system for the gas engine. I believe it simply helps quiet down the noise generated by the induction system when accelerating. The tank connects up to the snorkel devices eventually leading up to the air filter housing.
Yes its a resonator for the intake system to mitigate the intake noise. Many years ago i tried installing a cold air intake and bypassed that whole system and its very very loud. You can clearly hear it gulping air inside the car. Not good. And it just bogged the hell out of the car too.. If you look at the whole intake plumbing its pretty crazy lots of turns and bends all to make it quieter.