Bought a prime 3 weeks ago and already washed /waxed it 2 times (2 road trips already) In the lower left side of the windshield I notice writing that appears when I wipe a window cleaner. Something along the lines of "B AT 5998" I assume it's either manufacturer or dealership inventory residue. Even after the two washes it's still there. Lucky its invisible when dry, and even wet you cannot see it from the inside. Anyone else have this happen /any solution? Video link: Dropbox - 20170910_145512.mp4
I have the same "ghost " images on my windshield as well. Probably dealer info. If it starts to bother me I'll try to clay bar them off. Let me know what works for you...
Clay bar'd today, and cleaned the interior side. No change. I use to work filming cars for dealerships and the pens/markers we used never left a ghost image. Maybe I'll call the dealership to see if they know (it's usually outsourced to a contractor)
It is probably grease pencil or crayon. Try rubbing alcohol and/or GooGone applied with a crumpled up newspaper. Waxed twice in 3 weeks ????
I also had ghost writing across the windsheild of my new PRIME that was visible only when it was fogged up, but no more. I had my windshield crack after two weeks of ownership, and it has been replaced. But I don't suggest replaceing windsheild just to get rid of the "ghost" writing.
I'll try that, and update results. First wax was after getting it home. Had to do an 4.5 hour road trip since there are none in Illinois. I felt that many bug guts on the front deserved a new wax after a hard scrub. Second was after receiving my clay bar order from Amazon. Some grit spots removed, and wax reapplied.
I'd go with the clay-bar solution (check out Chris Fix's method (see youtube)). I clay-barred and waxed all the glass on my Gen II at the beginning of the winter and found that waxing the glass not only repels water, but there is no ice build up, and any snow is easily brushed off! I did it again yesterday (well, 63 deg F here in Nashua, yesterday! ) Chris Fix rocks!