The recommended method is to jump through the exclusive jump starting terminal in the fuse box. The video guy felt that was not good enough, so he added a small charge at that point, just enough to activate the trunk latch so he could connect directly to the battery. No harm done, but it's not what my book says to do.
I'm sure the car would have started up just fine after he connected the leads in the engine compartment. No need at all to go to the 12V battery itself.
That terminal in the fuse box was designed as the jump connector. You can't overload it. It's the same cable that connects to the battery. It is where Toyota says to jump the car if it needs to be jumped. I think all manufacturers have a jump connector in the engine compartment when they have the battery in the trunk.
The ONLY way I'd jump a Prius is using a lithium ion jump start pack. The best ones have "reverse polarity" protection. Using jumper cables of any kind is not worth the risk of major damage.
I have one of those, They are GREAT! I've used it several times. None on a Prius though. But Certain it will work...
The guy actually doubled his chances of screwing up by jumping it up front once and then jumping it again from the rear. The biggest mistake would accidentally reverse polarity the jump even for a few seconds, which would likely render the Prius dead on arrival. He was right about connecting to the chassis last so that a spark would not ignite rare but possible battery gases, however he did not do it the second time when he went straight to the negative battery terminals. He implies that the initial charge current from his jump battery to the Prius battery might be too high for the front connection but then he hooks it up front anyway with his heavy duty cables to his good battery. So jump from the front and let it sit connected for a minute to allow the surface charge on the Prius 12v battery to rise. Recommendation - remove this video from your youtube watch list and then go old school and read the manual. I copied the page and added notes for the wife’s use when she asks a stranger to help. Which can be a very high risk gamble on a Prius.