Yes I bought a new 2018 Prius C in October of 2018, it has around 2500 miles on it. I'm getting really bad MPG sometimes, for example the other day on the freeway I was getting around 40. My last Prius C I was getting like 50-55 MPG when I was driving on the freeway. I don't understand what's happening. One person I know says it might not be broken in yet but I don't know could that be it? I did get it up to 50MPG on the freeway one day but as the trip went on it just kept dropping. I think it ended the trip at 42 or 43 MPG. I'm thinking it might be a bad one but I don't know. Has this happened to anyone else? Tony
welcome! best thing to do is ignore the dash and start calculating your mpg's at the pump. much more accurate. after a few tankfuls, report back. in the meantime, make sure your tires pressure are above the door jamb recommendations
Is it colder? Is it hotter? Are the tires the same? Does it have the correct oil in it? Is your vent blocked in the back seat? Is your seat closer causing you to accidentally press the pedal more?
Since you're not new to the Prius, I won't mention driving or traffic factors. I can only think of two possibilities at the moment. Tire pressure or dragging brake. Just because it's new doesn't mean it doesn't have something wrong with it.
Head winds, cold weather, winter gas, more ethanol in the gas, driving faster than "normal", speeding up and slowing down all the time........ There are a LOT of factors to consider, including possible dragging brakes, low tire pressure or other possible "mechanical" problems. But......2500 miles is not enough to get a good long term average and you are watching it too closely.