Hi All, About 2 1/2 years ago I purchased and installed my custom trim clazzio seat covers. The bottom portion of the drivers seat on the right side has created its own crack. I tried sealing it and patching it from underneath and nothing works and it keeps getting worse. I don't wear anything sharp in my pants and I find it a little wierd that it has worn out only in this spot. Do you think I have a chance with clazzio in getting another drivers seat bottom portion done at a discount? It just sucks to have to go thru this having had the covers less than 3 years.
The covers come with a one year warranty. I can get you one new seat cover to replace the one you have. Let me know if you want a price, PM me.
I will contact you tomorrow and also have a photo of it. Thank you for your offer. Mine was a custom job, Light grey middle with black edges and white stitching so I don't know if you can still help.
Attached is a photo of my covers. This is so you can see the type I got. This photo is when I installed them. The cracked area would be in the seat portion (primarily the black left side area next to drivers door). Too dark and rainy now to photo it.
Attached are actual pics of my issue. I did a "patch" to cover the original cracks, but as you can see, another crack is starting. Its like this area is made of some bad material. No other part of the seat is cracking like this.