Alright so ive had my prius 2005 for about four years now and ive got around 220000 miles on it. Just today it started acting weird; after driving for a bit, park and shut down, i go to lock the doors with the button on the door it self and the car goes ignition on and does a reset. I was thinking a computer problem but those are kinda expensive. So i ask you guys of the internet for advice. I have keyless entry if that changes anything. Also, after it starts on its own i shut down and re-lock the doors and nothing happen ( the doors just lock) its like i have to drive for it to happen.
Welcome, Joel. Looks like you're getting your money's worth out of that '05. By "ignition on" do you mean "ready mode?" Not sure what you mean by "does a reset."
By ignition on i mean when you press the power button without the break (not ready) As for does a reset it like if i would unplug the battery and replug; my clock resets, gas meter shows empty and flashing, the speedometer goes back to MPH (yes i live in canada and put it in KPH).
Start with the 12V battery. Is it holding a charge? Lots of weird things have been traced to failing 12Vs. Only after the 12V is cleared is it worth looking for other issues. Gen2 even has a built-in voltmeter: Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery | PriusChat
Given that you've had it four years, if that's the same 12V battery, it's a likely candidate. As @fuzzy1 said, a low 12V battery makes all kinds of weird stuff happen. There's also the possibility of a loose or corroded ground connection in the battery compartment.
Changed my battery about nine month ago due to the my dash staying dark after a slightly cold (-10 celcius) night. Looked on these forums and decided to change the battery. Problem didnt go away unfortunatly. It still happens amd now its spring. So yes its a new battery but i could check the ground and other connections back there.
I like to check the easy stuff first ....... when I remember to. LOL! I'm not saying the problem necessarily is the easy stuff, but ya never know. Hope you find it soon.
Ill check the battery and its connections tomorow but small update, i went to the grocerie store and when parked i shut it down check engine came on for about 5 seconds then the car started back up on its own. Then wjen i got home, shut it down open the door and couldnt lock the doors and i had no lights. As if i hadnt had a battery. The. I closed the door and everything came back to normal.
i wonder if your power switch could be bad? also, check your 12v connections, including neg to ground.
Alright i know its been a while but i have no garage and its been raining non stop here in Montreal. Anyways, i checked the ground for the battery and the battery it self. They were both in perfect condition. But now there's an other issue. When i park the car and shut it down i lose everything, like the battery is dead ( no lights on dash, cant lock my doors, cant start the car, etc). Usually this last for about 5 minutes or so. But the last time it happen it wasn't coming back online. So i unplugged the battery and plugged it back in and the on the GPS screen had this screen I've never seen before. It was a loading screen like it was turning on for the first time with a progress bar. so now i have no idea what it could be.
How exactly did you "check" them ?? Most likely cause: the battery itself is going bad, including an intermittent internal connection. Second choice: Even thought the appear clean and tight, one end of one of the main cables is corroded and not making good connection. The battery voltage needs to be checked WHILE THE FAILURE IS OCCURRING. Start at the actual battery posts and then go to the connectors and frame ground.
Open the hood and put the voltmeter to jump start terminal in the fuse box (other lead to ground). What does the voltage read when problem is present? Battery ground cable can have bad connection on many different positions including between cable and ring terminal. So check all of them. Also bad connection can be at the positive side including connector between fuse block on battery terminal and car wiring harness.
valde i was thinking the same thing (bad wiring from the back to the front) but for some reason i checked the fuse box under the hood, and found this. As for the last picture thats what i get when the car comes back to life.
i would like to remove the entire fuse box to fix the proble but i cant find anything online to remove it
No. All of the connections that I was talking about are near the 12V battery. Did you check the voltage at the jump start terminal when problem is present? That way we would know for sure that there isn’t any problem at the back.
Interesting. My 2011 Prius has 275,000 miles. I have a funky electrical issue as well. Traction control light and exterior brake lights come on during times of heavy road spray. Heavy 'salt' water road spray from winter de-icing. Sometimes the ABS and (!) lights come on with the traction control and exterior brake lights and cruise won't work. But mostly just the traction control and brake lights. Sometimes when this occurs, the auto window would return to the down position when I pressed to the up position. Dealer said no road sensor in the wheel hub code is active. It would all usually go away after a day or so of dry roads. But now traction light and brake lights aren't returning to normal. I think there is a short from salt water intrusion in the front end somewhere. Either that or the car is truly possessed. Other than that the car is still chugging along, truly don't want to throw money at such a high mileage car, but don't want to toss a car and get a new one for an electrical short. Any ideas on tracking that one down?
Michael G your in the wrong forum. Post this in the G3 forum this is the G2 forum much older cars advice may not translate.