Probably general knowledge that earth impacts were serious during Hadean Era. By no means was it overstated. Late Heavy Bombardment upped tempo again. I don't know why that happened. Much later, 300 mya, seems to have gone up again and moon tells the tale: Moon’s craters reveal recent spike in outer space impacts on Earth | Science | AAAS
Coal burning -> coal ash -> coal ash ponds (storage areas, oopsee, close to rivers) Utilities Admit Coal Plants in 22 States are Violating Federal and State Pollution Standards by Leaking Toxic Chemicals into Groundwater | Earthjustice This frisky enviro organization has assembled information from industry sources. Whether one wants to know about it or not. If earthjustice is too freaky for you (and they well may be), then make a different compilation. Anyway, products of coal burning are matters for Great Nations to confront. Junior nations, not so much perhaps.
Read about how life may initially have come into being on Earth: This Georgia Tech chemist is simulating the genesis of life in a $5 toaster oven == Besides, Nautilius has many well-written articles. And a not too onerous 3-free-per-month policy. Or, you could just pass them a little cash.
Maybe you won't click on the link, but others might. It has crossed my mind to write something for Nautilus
You get a like. Among >30 thousand. Sheesh. Something about bisco's style just gets kids here salivating. Dang if I know. I do know (obviously) that pedantry doesn't, but too late to change.
Can I say 'brick shithouse' here? If so, then I commend your attention to the shit brickhouse: From toilet to brickyard: Recycling biosolids to make sustainable bricks: Fired-clay bricks incorporating biosolids could be a sustainable solution for both the wastewater treatment and brickmaking industries -- ScienceDaily
1. Genomic sequencing of species is humming right along. 2. A company called BGI in Shenzhen, China, does most of that work. They have most of global stock of these gadgets all in one place. It's amazing. 3. Botanical gardens and their collections of pressed plants are reasonable targets, if one wants to 'do' a lot of genomes without walking very far. Put all that together and you get: An entire botanical garden of genomes -- ScienceDaily Ruili is not far away from here. Really ought to go see these folks. And shame other botanical gardens in China (of which there are many) for getting scooped in this regard.
as much as i admire your posts, i don't understand much, and there isn't much interest here from all the engineer types, unfortunately.
A lot of us are just busy and lack the time to further our understanding of certain things. Most of it goes over my head though. But I’m ok with that.
2018 National Climate assessment Downloads - Fourth National Climate Assessment Download sections or the entire 180 MB pdf. Or none of it at all I guess. Just passing along information.
It's just one North Carolina town. Just a megawatt (maybe) of power not collected. Not a large setback. But dang: North Carolina Town Rejects Solar Farm Over Fears It Would 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun' "According to the newspaper, Jane Mann -- a retired science teacher from Northampton -- told the council that she was concerned that the solar panels would hinder photosynthesis, keeping plants -- which rely on the process -- from growing. She also argued over the adverse health impacts solar panels could have, reportedly stating that “no one could tell her that solar panels didn’t cause cancer.”" Retired science teacher. Dang.
Do remember what passes for 'science' in some communities. Creationism, or its followup named 'intelligent design', is frequently declared to be science. And a few decades ago, I frequently saw stories from certain types of area schools (parochial, not public) about their science classes having students balancing eggs on their ends during the equinoxes, supposedly the only time of year it could be done. Made for a good photo story. Though most of these stories disappeared after the parent body finally acknowledged its error in persecuting Galileo, 350 years after the fact. So I need to look beyond the initial label.
Youse can do that egg thing anytime if a salt shaker is nearby. Might win a bar bet. I wish to be kind towards science teachers who just don't get it. If too few come forward who do, a gap is being (partially) filled. Not as easy, on behalf of motivated irrationalists.