I rely on public charging, mostly done at work where we get free charging as a perk. In warm weather, I can almost commute round trip on a full charge. In winter, it can take a full charge just to get to work (mostly uphill). At home, we now park in a public lot that has one free charging station (along with 2 superchargers for all EV/PHEV and 20 Tesla superchargers). The cost of the supercharger is not worth it for me to use at all, usually the Leaf's and i3's use those. The free charger is not on a network, so you do not get any alerts when it is done charging, so those using it tend to camp there (most not on purpose, but some camp for days). I am trying to come up with notes to leave on cars to keep a supply to have on the ready. For example, yesterday when I got to the garage I wanted to charge up, there was a car parked there and their charge was complete. I left a polite note with a smiley face saying there were done and I needed a charge. I don't know if anyone has ready-made templates for times like these? Also maybe a plug me in when you are done type of sign? Just looking for the best, most polite wording. Not really comfortable with leaving my number. I did do it once asking someone to text me when they were done.
Are those stations on PlugShare? Assuming they’re online as well, you can make a note saying you’ve unplugged them (and there’s a record since it’s online in the app). Otherwise, I guess you could carry around a small notepad or post it notes and a pen.
I tried this one time on a public charger along the side of the street but the person didn't text me. So when I came back to check, another car went and charge his car. You can get one of this to hang on the cable Electric Vehicle Charging Hangers | Etsy
I ended up ordering the "Can You Plug Me in" sticky pads. Those are perfect. I actually did leave my number today, it freaks my husband out more than me.