Hi guys, new here, but this forum has helped me with many DIY projects. Made an account just for this reason. I don't recall the car being this loud when I bought it, so the noise may have crept up on me over time. I also listen to music while I drive, but it seems to be a little loud, especially around startup. I change the oil myself every 10k miles or so with Mobile 1 Extended and Extended Filters(15k mile advertised) I also just drained and refilled the transmission fluid at 98k miles. Problem was occurring before this. Is this loud or am I just being paranoid? Thanks!
I thought it sounded ok. But it is sound coming thru tiny laptop speakers.... Being louder after startup is completely normal though. It should be like that until it gets up to operating temps.
Agreed, sounds like the lifters. When any engine ages the seals get a bit weak, and eventually they won't hold pressure from the previous run (overnight etc). With further age & use there will be buildup inside them and in the passages feeding them, so they take longer to pump up on the next run. As long as they pump up and go quiet in the first minute or so it isn't a real problem. If they won't go quiet you may need to take further steps. More frequent oil changes can delay onset in some engines- I don't have enough experience with these to be sure for these models.