Elon says that he is personally ready to cover that if necessary. Go ahead, I double dog dare you to short $TSLA.
If you had been keeping up, you would know that Elon is no longer president of Tesla. He is now only the CEO. Elon says that he is now the president of nothing.
One long dead GM president once famously said, "What is good for General Motors is good for the USA." This is the same GM that needed a government bail-out to survive.
Nice try Sir, but I have neither ridiculed, violently opposed nor rejected BEVs. They are just simply not practical for OUR logistics and lifestyle...and many others. I will however, continue to support BEVs for those it does. Have a nice day.
great ~ celebrate the stats . . . . but just a quick fyi - to celebrate the naysayers - all Tesla is doing - is posting their 2nd quarter profits. Tesla Posts Profit for Second Consecutive Quarter - Tesla Motors Club ouch - that's gotta really kill haters, hoping to god they would post in the red. oh well . . . there's always next quarter
Really? I thought GM was just over 10 years old. Isn't that why they call it Government Motors? Let's see. I think the stock was down to 75 cents before Obama tanked old GM and the new GM emerged from the slime.
i wish i could blame the U.S. prez for all my poor business ills - starting back over a 1/4 century ago. .
Personally I am not critical of the move, although I don't think the average car owner got a fair shake. Something had to be done. It's a rough and tumble world.