Hey everyone. I am sure everyone waiting for a Prius is dying about the wait. Well, now you can get yours within weeks, just follow this link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW
And that is just for the spot, if the dealer is willing to allow such a trade instead of just going to the next on the list. Also no mention of what if any "market adjustment" the dealer may add to the mess!!!
It's not a scam... its jut that I had a deposit down at 2 dealers and one got the prius before the other, and now I still have a spot on the waiting list...
Now I just realized something, so before I get too unfair - was the deposit $1,000 and you're just trying to recoup your investment, or are you going for a profit?
Wow, when I first saw this I thought you were making fun of the seller... Don't they refund the deposit?
They do refund the deposit, but since it is now a spot that is at number one I decided to put it up for grabs to any new Prius buyer!
I mean c'mon... it's not really that crazy to put a #1 spot for a Prius on eBay when u have a bunch of people calling from around the country who are willing to fly to any state just to get the car as soon as possible!
No, it's not crazy...self-serving, greedy, rude, unethical yes, but crazy, no. Look Pete/Pedro/whatever, there is someone that's number 3 or 4 on that list that's been waiting a long long time for their car, to have you come in and greedily sell that spot for personal gain at their expense is just not right. Yes, others are doing it, but that does not, in any way, make it right. Do you remember, at all, what you felt like when you found out how long you'd have to wait? Do you remember the frustration and anxiety? Do you feel it's OK to extend someone else's wait like that and compond those same feelings they're having just so you can have an extra few bucks in your pocket? I think it's rude and wrong of you. In many ways you've shown a greater sense of maturity than many kids your age, but here you display a much uglier side, IMO. Take your deposit and walk away...make someone's day who's been waiting patiently for their 'turn'. You won't be financially richer, but you'll make someone else a little happier...even if they don't know you did anything for them. And maybe, just maybe, you'll even be a tiny bit happier with yourself for being a little bigger and more mature and more humane than you absolutely had to be. Your call, I'm off my soapbox and won't comment further on those points.
It's something I wouldn't let a single soul do on my list. And, believe me, I have been asked. It's been attempted to "bully" me to put someone's friend or relative or whatever into "their" spot since "they" already got a car. I decline and remove their names from the list. And, lemme tell you... if someone's on my list and they all of a sudden have some crazy reason the car's going to a different person, or into a different name that is NOT a wife/husband with diff name, they are also being passed by and deleted. There is enough unfair play with the scarcity of the car. Dianne
Good for you Dianne, I would hope that most dealers would do the same. I know that if I found out my dealer had put someone ahead of me that had "purchased" their place in line from someone else it certainly wouldn't sit well and I certainly wouldn't trust them for my next purchase. I hope Pete's dealer is just as ethical. Still, there's nothing to prevent Pete from buying the car himself and then reselling it...but at least he'd assume the risk of purchasing and dealing with the financing and payment and such himself. It's still self-serving and greedy, but at least he's doing 'something' to 'earn' that little profit.
NO NO NO..... you gusy DONT UNDERSTAND! I would never do something crazy and rude like this, and let everyone else wait a long time. I told the dealer to let everyone after me that is on the list get the prius. I have the #1 spot.. but the dealer doesn't even call me anymore, he goes right to the next spot on the list. Until I sell my spot, everyone else on the list is getting their Prius at normal delivery time. I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG?!
As the mom of an almost- 14 yr old son, I am charmed by your entrepreneurial spirit -- but in this case, it's wrong. The right thing to do is to you simply drop yourself off their list and let the people right after you get their car. You already know you are doing wrong, hence the *?!* after your last sentence. (Sorry if it sounds like I am admonishing you. I ought to be admonishing your dealer for allowing you to DO this)...
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Dianne and Evan. Kids nowadays need guideance from folks that they can respect so they can make decisions that better reflect the type of person that they are striving to be and also get a better complete picture of the effects of their actions. Pete, just walk away from it, guy!
NO NO NO, you don't understand...whether people behind you are getting their cars or not as long as there is a list when you "sell your spot" you're going to delay someone else from getting their car. Once the list is gone then your "spot" is pointless. You ARE doing something wrong and just a little bit of introspection will let you see that.
This was bugging me so much that I felt like I had to respond... especially because of the last post (which in my opinion is a personal attack). I don't think it's fair to criticize this guy in such ways. Except for perhaps "parental authority," what makes all of you so morally superior to ptpiz? I'm sure all of you have done only "the right things" throughout your lifetimes, and are all Mother Teresas or Ghandis or whoever at heart :roll: . I don't think what he's doing is necessarily "right" according to my views, but what is "the right thing to do" in his case is for him to decide and not someone. I'm sure some of you feel like he needs guidance, but I think that some of this has to do with "image" as opposed to "morals," but I'll digress... I really don't have time for engaging in philosophical arguments and whatnot.
I don't need to have lived a perfect life to point out that this or that is a shitty thing to do. Lots of things aren't "wrong" that are still fairly slimy... like the dealers charging market adjustments because they can, and because people will pay them. That's capitalism, but it doesn't mean those dealerships aren't simply taking advantage of people in the short term at the risk of their long term reputations.
Really? That's a shame...It's one of the things that makes my life worth living is contemplating various points of view, various philosophies and exploring different cultures and beliefs. I do think it's a worthy endeavor to point out moralistic differences...sometimes people just haven't considered a point of view and their lives change and become richer for it. Certainly others will just be offended or will continue to disagree, but an enlightened discussion is certainly a valuable use of my time....I spend the rest of it saving lives in the Emergency department and caring for my family. What keeps you so busy?