3190 after 10 sec starting then dies. Clear code and same result for 3 or 4 attempts. 424k with original 02s and converter. What would be most probable?
P3190 Poor Engine Power - Intake system - Throttle body assembly - Fuel pressure - Engine - Mass air flow meter sub-assembly - Out of fuel - Engine coolant temperature sensor - Crankshaft position sensor - Camshaft position sensor - EGR valve assembly - ECM At that high mileage, a guess might be excessive engine wear. A lot of the stuff listed would be accompanied with other codes
That is a lot for 1 code. Cleaned throttle body and changed mass air sensor. Motor runs good no smoke or blow by
Depends on what the code means. P3190 means that the engine's producing less than 20% of the power it's being asked for, so any of the possible reasons for an engine to do that are possible suspects, and the human has a diagnosis job to do.