Well, my touchscreen is still not any closer to being fixed. last week the customer relations manager of my dealer said that the toyota rep approved the repair as a one-time issue under the warranty. now over a week later, the dealer service rep says that the MANUFACTURER OF THE SCREEN is balking, saying that i probably broke it myself! what a mess. when they finally do get it, i wonder if anybody at the dealer knows how to install it??
:roll: Sigh sounds like the old IBM errors on the IBM 360.. every one you would look up would start.. "probable user error....." only they almost never were.
i spoke to toyota customer service at the 800# and they called and confirmed with the dealer that the manufacturer of the part is the hold-up, so they are 'elevating me' to some priority team.
well, i might have a better answer as to who is in charge. yesterday they referred my case to a 'priority team' and today i got a call that my part was ordered and they will be keeping in touch... maybe there is hope. kinda sick of not being able to operate any of my systems with no touch screen.