Well, my Prius will be 8 years old in March. I still have the original 12 volt battery. Is it time to replace it? How many years is everyone typically getting?
8 years? I would have changed it 3 years ago. In short, yes. How cold does it get in your neck of the woods?
yes, replace it. better to give up another 6-8 months or a year of use than to be stranded with a dead battery. Mine is 4+ years and I was nervous going into this winter. Its def getting replaced in the spring.
Leave it, Mother Nature can always defer on accepting another battery that’s yet dead in her landfill. And then for bragging rights on PC also, that you can still crank the original 12v batt after 8 years
I just did our '08 for the 1st time (10 yrs). I maybe should have done it 2 years ago, as occasionally (3 times) I need to jump start it. The car is a lot happier now.
Maybe a Prius battery lasts longer because it doesn’t need to supply high cranking amps as those in conventional cars do?