After a run in with a deer, I thought of installing an LED light bar in the grill. I measured and I would need a 28in light bar to cover the whole front plastic piece of the grill. I'd have to cut a hole in the plastic grill piece for the light to come out appropriately of course. Would anyone advise against this for ventilation purposes? I live in a cooler climate and the car never has problems with temp... Here is the light bar I plan on installing: Wiring harness: I was also thinking about wiring it into the brights... I cannot seem to find the location of the brights relay however. Let me know what you think! And of course I'll post pictures when I'm done.
I have a good 8" bar in my upper grille, I cut away a part of the plastic for it to fit. You want to have the LED bar at headlight level, too low and it doesn't do much. I wired mine into the hi beam's as well, I just ran a relay under the hood that tapped into the hi beam wire, it just takes the 12v signal for the relay, and the power for the bar is taken from the fuse box. I would recommend getting a smaller high quality bar vs a cheap 30" eBay chinese bar. The Chinese ones leak water, fog up inside, and don't throw light very far down the road, they flood tons of light just 20-30 feet out which is not useful for deer. Mine is a Baja designs and it throws light about 1/2 mile down the road.
Can I ask which particular designs you purchased? I just purchased an 8" Rough Country. I wanted to see if you could help me with my install. I have the light up and running. My problem is my current switch is constantly on. Did you wire your so that you only have power with the ignition started? How did you relay it into your head lights as well? Hope that makes sense. Thanks!
They make a fuse with a wire that fits into the high beam fuse slot so you can run your bar off your high beam. Not sure where to get it. JMO, those inexpensive light bars do not even come close to an LED light bar from Morimoto.