Hi! Extreme cold (low of 5 deg F) hit new england and my mileage went to the 25-28. I also have snow tires on. Previously the weather was in the 30's and the mileage was 37-39. My driving style isn't super hybrid friendly. Running the heater at full blast. Normal or not normal? Thanks!
Need more info. How long is the trip? If you're going 50 miles, that's low. If you're going 5 miles, you're kicking butt. Most cars sacrifice MPG on the first few miles to get the engine temperature high enough for good MPG on the rest of the trip. The prius takes that to an extreme. When the starting temp is very low, and you are competing with the engine for heat, that warm-up period gets drawn out over more miles. At some point it is cold enough that the engine doesn't complete warm-up before arrival, and your MPG is hosed until the weather gets warmer. Engine block heaters and grill block panels are two different solutions to this problem. Both have their ups and downs. Also check that tire pressure. In cold weather they all go soft, and a Prius is very sensitive to it. More air in the tire = harder ride & better MPG.
15 mile commute, some stop and go for 5 miles and then 10 miles of highway. I run the heater on full blast and turn on the heated seats so I assume all that screws the mileage.
Sounds a bit low, but not that unusual for cold winters. PS Any snow hanging under the car or packed in the wheel wells? That could add as much as a few hundred pounds.
Crazy, i'm sure there area. It was a nasty storm. In good news, my Michelin X-ice were AMAZING. kicking butt! Love them! Prius for life!
It's a bad time of year to worry about gas especially with it as cheap as it is. Keep warm and check it over several tanks, winter snow and cold suck.
Just a quick update - the temperature rose to 34 degrees F today. Mileage is better and sluggishness is a lot better. I also had a ton of snow melt from the wheel well. So I bet the combo of that cold and the wheel well snow made it really bad. Thanks everyone! Stay warm!
Yes, I would say that's normal. You can't really look at the MPG during the current 5 degree temperature mess out there. My 2014 Four gets 40-42 mpg when it's this cold. Normally its 46-48 mpg. My Ct200h (fancy Prius) gets 43 mpg, now its down to like 35 mpg.