For a while now, we've been recording the What Drives Us show live on Google Hangouts. On the up side, it's great to have a live audience and interact with the chatroom. On the down side, 1) most people don't sit and watch an hour video show and 2) it's difficult to get the show from YouTube and post it to other sites. That's all changed. If you want to listen to an audio version of the show, you can subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, and/or Stitcher. Now it's easier to listen to the show during your commute or wherever you are, whatever you're doing. Here are the links: What Drives Us on Spotify What Drives Us by Russell Frost & Danny Cooper on Apple Podcasts Of course, there's always YouTube. What Drives Us - YouTube
<AHEM>I read faster than you (and most people) talk. In fact, I've started setting my YouTube playbacks to 1.25 faster since I don't have the time to waste and I'm retired. Just a suggestion. Bob Wilson
I do the same thing with my podcast players because my commute is less than an hour but podcasts are not. Also, I can Speed through long books faster.