This is likely a silly question but I'm new to the prius scene and want to be extra careful. Lovely winter time here in MN and they are salting as much as possible. Generally I take my cars through a high pressure touch less wash with under body spray. Is there anything special to consider with the prius over any other car?
Nope. Other than be aware of those car washes that require you to be in neutral as the rail guides your car through. The car doesn’t charge the battery in neutral so if the car wash takes too long or you’re heavy on the A/C, the car’s hybrid battery may drain and will shut down in failsafe mode if that happens. Also, you cannot leave the car in neutral with the car off (the software automatically puts it in Park). Basically just avoid the automatic car washes that guide the car for you. Go to those where you drive through and stop (and the machine goes around your car with soap and water)
especially with an '07 if it's the original hybrid battery some older prius leak around the rain gutters, check the 12v battery and spare tire area before and after.
If you have a good charge before you start and turn EVERYTHING off that you can you should be OK. And I mean everything. Lights, stereo, climate control. And turn them off before you get in line they are the items that use the most power when the car is sitting. You can ever force charge the battery if your stopped with cars in front of you. Just make sure you keep your foot on the brake and parking brake set.
I'd say make sure you get your car waxed at least once during the winter to provide extra protection against the salt.
If you can find an automated car wash where the car drives in and stops, then the cleaning apparatus passes along the car, that would be preferable, for the reasons mentioned above. Our nearby Toyota dealership has such a system, we've been through it a few times, never any problems. I manage to hand wash the car, sporadically, year 'round, which is always preferable: more thorough, you will notice any damage, and so on. But I can appreciate: Minnesota in winter, that's not happening.
The wash i use is the type where you pull in and park. The car can be left on in park so i would assume the battery draining isn't much of a concern? I have noticed some wind noise from the door edge so i will need to keep an eye on the water getting in at the time of the first wash also. I can do a version of a hand wash in my garage even when its colder using optimum no rinse but the main reason i go to the automatic wash is for underbody spray to remove salt.