Hi! I have Toyota Prius Gen 2 (Model 2006). Recently I have bought NAV Map DVD from ebay and replace with old one. The problem is that the address search is not working properly. I have removed old DVD and inserted the new one. It takes 5 to 10 sec when I wrote some letters of an address. One more thing observed if I search again the same address which search/open before then it goes faster. I have done the activity which suggested by the seller, removed the new navigation disc (which was in CD box). Disconnect both batteries and wait for 15 minutes. After that connected batteries back and started the car. The navigation screen showed Chinese characters and nothing was loaded. Then I inserted the new Dvd, it loaded and search address again. But the response is similar as before. Is this DVD issue or any software needs to update in the car? Kindly assist or help. See DVD type in the attachment. Thanks
In the US the Prius navigation system won’t work with a copy of the Toyota DVD. Only a genuine Toyota DVD will work. You can usually determine if a disc is counterfeit when the list of models that the disc works with does not include the Prius. Other Toyota models work OK with a counterfeit disc. I think you have a counterfeit disc.
Thanks for reply. Dvd is factory press as confirmed by Seller. Seller recommends that try clean sat nav laser with laser dvd cleaner.