When I had my Gen2 Prius, I tracked all my mileage and routinely posted a chart showing what kinds of mileage was possible with the Prius. Most of the time my per-tank averages were in the 60s, usually in the high-60s, and there were a few in the 70s. Some years back, at a 2GOB4 event, I gave a presentation on hypermiling in the Prius; making minor driving modifications to achieve major improvements. Using that presentation as a basis, I wrote a series of articles. I am currently in the process of converting those articles into Youtube videos and posting them to the What Drives Us channel. One of the issues we identified early on with the forum structure of Priuschat is that all sub-forums are vehicle-specific. There is no generic "Fuel Economy" forum, for example. For that reason, yes, I am cross-posting into multiple sub-forums in order to provide this information to as many people as possible. As new videos are added, I'll 'bump' this thread. Sort of like a push notification. You can find the videos here: Hypermiling - YouTube
Really helpful... I'm going on a road trip in a week so I'm definitely going to use some of these tips. Also, does anyone have any suggestions of what I should pack before the trip??
Clearly haven’t been to Canada... you gotta pack maple syrup. The good kind. Not the type you find at the airport duty free. @TonyPSchaefer there is a video section...
With their new law, don't give a cup even the slightest hint that you may be drinking or smoked a little weed...