I feel like this should be easier to find...but I’ve seen a number of Prius Prime videos that show in Addison to a dash cam view, a screen with coolant temp, tachometer, and even some EV parameters like batt charge, temp, etc. I’m assuming these are some sort of OBD based app, but I’m wondering if anyone knows what they are and which ones work well with the prime (preferably iPhone based). Thanks - Dave
Apple pretty much shut down all automotive app development with their ultra-rigid bluetooth profile support. So iPhones can't communicate with 99% of the OBD-II interfaces on the market. That scared off all the app developers. There were some attempts to get it going with a wifi-based OBD-II interface but it never took off. It's worth getting a no-name android device and setting it up for car duty. Yes, it's another device to manage, another system to learn and so forth... but the results are worthwhile.
Yeah, I have dedicated Pixel Android phone used just for my car only. It is cheap enough and I don't have to worry about any of my other vital private information skimmed by malware. The set up I use is OBDLink® LX Bluetooth | OBDLink® | OBD Solutions and Hybrid Assistant: OBD app with dedicated Pixel (1stGen, no SIM, Rooted). Works very well. If you buy used Pixel cheap as I did, the total cost is less than $100 and no ongoing cost as I have no SIM in the phone.
What kind of data are you guys pulling with the OBD apps? I’m an android user but don’t normally have a need to pull data.
Thanks, appreciate the replies. I didn't realize there was an Apple ODB / bluetooth thing going on, but I guess I'm not really that surprised either. I'm all Apple right now, but the Android / OBDLink option sounds like a good solution...for around $100 I should be able to see the parameters I'm looking for.