Rear-Ended coming back from the dealer. Was only there because on Friday I had my oil changed and tires rotated. They stripped a stud and lugnut putting the tires back on, so they agreed to fix it after I pointed it out. Annoying. I'm going to be ticked if they total it because I'm set pay it off in April. This happened right after I paid off my last car plus I just put $700 into a new stereo system. Love Android Auto! 2013, Two, 90k miles. Happy New Year. Ha
The deductable and repair costs will be, yes. Unless they totally it for some reason, then I only get the cars value, and what's owed to my lender gets taken from the cars value I received. Good 'ol Michigan's no fault insurance crap leaves me with little options.
Sorry to hear that. So what lesson is learned? DON'T pay off your cars! Hopefully, they will repair it for you.
That's too damn bad. Might be totalled. Is that wheel on an odd angle, rear axle bent? I was just leaving dealership the one time I got hit too, same dang corner. Not as much body damage, but they had to replace the axle.
Sorry to hear that, and I hope you insurance company pays you promptly! I was rear ended too (same spot) little over a month ago. Mine 2005 Gen II had much less damage. As the matter of fact I still drove it after an accident for close to two weeks. Insurance company ended up totaling the car and now it is going up auction. Who ever gets that car will end up with hell of a bargain. I replaced struts, sway bars, brakes, 12v battery and did tune and than I got rear ended.
That is sad, but you and yours are fine by the reading of it. I keep looking at the first photo, then the wheel position in the second. It looks, to me, like whatever crunched put most energy into the rear lights area. How to replace the quarter panel would be the thing. Rear door looks fine, sill etc. Even the hatch. But also, hopefully the fuel filler area is much of a nothing if it's been hit. Best of luck and wishes for the result. I hope they fix it!
Thanks guys. I just replaced the brakes this weekend too, ha .thankfully I did it myself, so out less than $80 if totaled, as far as that's concerned. The wheel was sliced open, but I don't think the axel was bent. While I HOPE they don't total it, if they do i prob won't pick up another Prius, at least at this time. For what they'll prob give me, I can get a Cruze and pocket (I hope) some of the insurance to pay down bills. I said never buy Chevy after years of my parents and others having issue after issue, but the cruze seems good and people I know love it . My insurance would also drop $600 a year with a Cruze (Michigan no fault insurance is highest in the nation). Though that savings would go back into I have some calculating to do, once/if I get a cost.
I'm not making light of your trauma, but in Florida, we call that a love tap. But it still sucks. Sorry for the anguish you must feel. I still feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs any time I'm stopped at a light and it's been over two years since a rear ender buckled our roof, bent the traction battery, and bent both rear doors among other things. I kind of think that's pretty fixable. Looks like a glancing blow that would not have enough energy to bend the axel and the wheel looks straight to me from what I can see in the pictures. I hope they can fix it. We have no-fault here too, but since you were the victim, I don't think you need to worry about the deductible. That's the other guy's responsibility. Your insurance should go after him for it. At least I hope they do.
Once damage goes beyond bumper to quarter-panel, it gets really expensive to repair. The quarter panel is not a removable part, so it is cut off and a new smooth piece is wielded back on. I've been watching this body builder repair these. I can imagine the amount of labour through the fast-forwarded video.
If his airbags didn't deploy its fixable but if them airbags deployed it's a wrap the insurance Co. will total it Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Why are insurance Co. So quick to total out cars even if new they total them out Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Because it's expensive! And the value of the car goes down. Next accident, it's more expensive. So they total it so they won't have to pay out more than the car is worth.
Once the bumper is torn off the steel mount insurance will total. You can opt out of a total but they will only give you a small amount and you gotta get a salvage title. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Make the insurance company pay for diminished value as well as the repairs. If they don't, you may want to sue in Small Clams Court.
Reminds me of the time my Corvette was stolen. I had purchased it new and had one payment left. I feel your pain, and I still all these years later feel mine.