Hi All, I bought an ABS pump off of ebay to replace my broken one. He offered me money for my broken part. Will he just repair it? Or should I be concerned on the part he is selling me?
Was the one being sold described as new, or refurbished? A lot of times the sellers are selling refurb, counting on receiving the old part, which they repair for resale. Depending on the part, it's not a bad idea. The price should reflect that it's a refurb though, and it should be identified as such.
What kind of warranty are they offering for the part you're purchasing? If its 30 feet or 30 seconds, you might want to be concerned.
I bought it for 180.00. 60 day warranty. I actually like the idea of it being rebuilt vs pulled from a car, not knowing how much life that car may of had left with it. And thank you for your feed back.
Could you please post a link for this seller, so that others may (or not) purchase from them in the future. You might inquire about how they go about refurbishing them, which bits fail more often, etc. And their answer(s) may give you a better idea if this is a part you actually want to install in your vehicle.
Toyota Prius ABS Anti-lock Brake Pump Assembly 44510-47050 OEM 04 05 06 07 08 09 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292699056085
This is what he sent me just now when i asked if he rebuilds them :/ New message from: hitechautomodule (151) I planning to start rebuilding those. I have some ideas, but I need bad ones to confirm my ideas. Thanks for core. Pablo.
I really hope he figures it out. I’ve got about 40 broke ABS units that I’ve been holding onto in hopes that somebody figured out how to fix them. Thank you for sharing this with the group. Matt
You might hold off on sending your 'old' part until you've installed the 'used' part. Once you're sure his used part functions as expected, or before that 60 day warranty is up. Keep us posted!!
OP wasn't clear, but I think the seller is selling new parts only, at least at present. But he's considering getting into refurb.
DORMAN sells a refurbished ABS actuator, around $700 - $1200. $200 core charge I probably won't trust eBay on this. That eBay seller could just be selling bad actuators over and over again. Endless supply if he can buy the old ones back for a fraction of his "refurbished" units
Will leave this info here : https://hitechautomodule.com/ Welcome to HiTechAutomodule.com! We specialize in module repair/renewal such as ECM, PCM, BCM, ABS, climate control, navigation/radio units and much more. Our goods for sale on eBay: hitechautomodule | eBay You can reach us at: phone: 5624999091 email: [email protected] address for mail-in services: Pavel Borisiuk 805a Energy way Chula Vista, CA 91911-6110 United States +1 5624999091
When it comes to safety (witch I consider the ABS and other brake components high priority items) I only buy new. That way, the only liable people are the people that sold it and or the manufacture. Others did just point fingers. Too many cooks in the kitchen. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.