Just for fun.... Bloomberg has produced a wonderful photo-essay chronology of the evolution of electric-powered vehicles. Lots of great photographs, animations, etc. In 1900, electric cars accounted for about one-third of all vehicles on the road -- and then almost disappeared from the landscape as gasoline-engine models took over. Decades later, technological advances and concerns about the environment spurred their gradual revival, which isn’t so gradual anymore: By 2040, more than half of all new cars will be powered only by batteries, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates. Here’s a look back at the evolution of the once and future hot thing . . . https://www.bloomberg.com/news/photo-essays/2019-01-05/171-years-before-tesla-the-evolution-of-electric-vehicles A woman uses a battery charger to charge an electric Columbia Mark 68 Victoria in 1912.
It's worth noting that in every era, the marketing/P.R./advertising department thinks that the best way to explain how a plug-in electric vehicle is charged is to show that it's so simple even a woman can do it...
Yes, and marketing/P.R./advertising departments are dominated by men, also sending a subconscious. subliminal fantasy about women and "plug-in" vehicles.
what's really pathetic about that is - inductive charging. This is where magnetic fields come up from underneath the car to charge without any wires. The advantage is there is no cable that vandals can mutilate. With inductive charging, the advertisement can say tha5 even an incompetent man can park over a magnet. But back in the 1990s if I recall, I saw a picture of the ev1 being plugged into the inductive port - by little kid ..... one our own 0C members kids at that; Bare foor .
Electric cars are cool. After my car started smoking, I thought about buying a new one, and after I read a few essays I thought about buying an electric car. Tell me please, now there is quite a large selection of electric cars and I don’t know what to choose. Of course, Tesla is advised to me, but there are still a lot of others. What do you advise?
What are your requirements: How many in car at one time? Daily miles? Longest expected vacation drive, City/State to-from City/State? Private home, rental, apartment? Number of drivers? Bob Wilson
Why is it - that electric car commercials are usually so lame, while the rest of the automotive industry realizes sex sells. The only exception that one "MAY" have SEEN but not here in the USA) is the plug-in BMW i8. Yeow-zaa !! Gotta give them credit .... Of course now days that's considered to be objectifcation ... .
<AHEM> I'm sure the photo means the seats don't get so hot in the sun they will burn your bum. Bob Wilson
In addition to what Bob asked, how many vehicles in your household? The state you live in would also help as availability varies from state to state.